Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,46

failed, you do not know me very well, sir,” Esther said.

Samuel was torn between wanting to box her ears and wishing to kiss her senseless. Instead he gritted his teeth. “My plan was never going to fail.”

“Your modesty does you credit, but you could not know that for certain.”

Samuel was prevented from responding by the entrance of Sophie. “Lord Longdon has left. I offered him accommodation, but he was eager to return home.”

“Newly married. The novelty has not worn off yet,” Samuel said. His comments were unfair, but Esther had riled him and he had no outlet for his frustration.

“Quite,” Sophie said. “May we offer you a chamber for your stay, Captain Dunn?”

“Is that acceptable?” Samuel asked Sophie, but in reality he was asking Esther.

“Of course,” Sophie replied. “Any friend of Esther’s is welcome here.”

Esther wanted to object but knew she could not. Corless House was a large house and one in which she had many duties that took her out of his company. Being in the same house as him here was a completely different situation. She had virtually nothing to do, the house was smaller, and it would mean that she would be in his company far more. She was not sure that was a good thing at the moment; she was already feeling vulnerable. Having him close would cause her to rely on him, and she was not sure he was the type of man one could depend upon. Not where her heart was concerned, at any rate.

“Thank you,” Samuel said. He had seen what seemed to be a struggle flitting over Esther’s face and felt disappointed and annoyed. He had acknowledged his feelings for her, but it seemed she did not feel the same way about him. His return to London could not come soon enough, he thought angrily, unable to deal with the hurt.

Sophie chatted to Samuel, asking him all kinds of questions, until she seemed satisfied and stood up. “I shall arrange your chamber, but I suggest you spend some time exploring Exeter. It is a bustling town and not a bad one.”

Samuel stood while Sophie left the room. Sitting back down, he let out a sigh. “I feel as if I have been interrogated.”

Esther laughed. “She is a formidable woman, isn’t she?”

“Is she a relative? From your father’s side?” Samuel asked.

It was a reasonable question, for Sophie was Mrs. Hardy. Esther knew that, but she did not like the need to reveal some of her history. It was very difficult, but for some reason she could not lie to him. “My history is complicated, especially as I don’t know it all,” she started. “I think there is some connection, but my mother took on the name of Hardy when she came to Exeter and moved in with Sophie.”

She was telling him she was illegitimate. She had never admitted that to another person in her life, instead glossing over the reality of her situation. He could turn away from her in disgust. His type probably would, but she had to be truthful. She was getting sick of hiding, for it had not eased her anxiety over the years.

“I see.” Samuel thought for a moment. “You hinted that there had been a family breach. I am presuming some sort of failed elopement and then disownment from the family?”

“I honestly do not know,” Esther said. “I suppose I should ask Sophie before it is too late, but the bit I do know is bad enough. I don’t want to find out more that shatters my dream for respectability.”

“Is that something that is very important to you? You have mentioned it a few times.”

“When it is something you have coveted for most of your life, I suppose it is.”

Samuel’s stomach felt like lead. This was why he did not let himself become involved with anyone. It never worked out the way you wanted it to. He could not give her the one thing she craved. “I suppose that explains why Lydia said you take in the unlovables. Those with complicated histories. They remind you of yourself.”

Esther smiled. “Yes. I am drawn to the ones who are not as secure in their home lives as we would all wish to be. I want to give them stability and support so that they can have full lives. Not the half lives they have experienced.”

“It is very noble.”

“I think it could be classed as selfish. After all, I am making a lot of presumptions, and in reality I am trying Copyright 2016 - 2024