Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,42

with herself, but Miles could see that it was costing Samuel a great deal to remain patient.

“If something went wrong, there is only one place she would go other than Corless House. The only other place she’s known.”

“Where?” Samuel demanded.


“Why there? It can only be a few hours’ ride away. The aim was to get them as far away from here as possible,” Samuel exclaimed.

“That is where she was brought up, sir. The woman who housed her mother and Esther still lives in Exeter. She would not have made the choice lightly, but it is the only other place she knows. If she’s gone there, she will be suffering in more ways than worrying about the child. She will need to be treated gently.”

The final words were delivered directly to Samuel, and although he felt his cheeks colouring slightly – which was ridiculous for a man of his age and experience – he nodded. Esther had secrets. He knew that. It should have filled him with glee that he was going to find out the truth behind the intriguing Miss Hardy, but the reality was he only hoped she was well.


Miles and Samuel refreshed themselves and then set out once more. They travelled in silence for a while until, eventually, Miles could not contain himself any longer.

“I am very curious to meet this Miss Hardy.”

“If you are expecting me to start speaking to you as if you are some sort of confessional, I am afraid you are to be greatly disappointed,” Samuel responded.

Miles laughed. “You never were any fun. I admit I nearly burst out laughing when you blushed like a debutante in front of the cook. I do not think I have ever seen you such a fetching shade of pink, my friend.”

“If you want to remain seated in your saddle, I would watch my mouth if I were you.”

“The trouble I have is that if you do not tell me what has been happening, there is nothing else for me to do other than let my imagination take flight. I have a very active imagination …”

“You insufferable buffoon! Will I get no peace?”

“Probably not,” Miles admitted. “The same as I did not when you decided that I was perfect for my wife. I seem to recall you were as annoying as a buzzing fly.”

“As you are now enjoying a very happy marriage, I can argue with some authority that I was right.”

“Perhaps, but you gave me no end of trouble during the process of my discovering that I was in love with Susan.”

“Deservedly so,” Samuel said.

“Miss Hardy …”

“Oh, for goodness sake! She is the most annoying, hard-headed, stubborn, dictating, know-all woman I have ever had the misfortune to meet.”

“She sounds perfect for you.”

Samuel was silent for a moment. “I think she probably is.”

“Glad you think that way. It’s about time you were leg-shackled to someone who will not be overwhelmed by your own opinion of self-importance or entitlement. You need someone brave enough to berate you when you step out of line. Which can be all too regularly.”

Shaking his head in disgust at his friend, Samuel tutted. “Thank goodness Dunn was with me from the start instead of you. With your encouragement, Miss Hardy would have been completely insufferable, more so than she was.”

“I am surprised there has been no word from Dunn,” Miles said, temporarily diverted from his teasing. “He would have known you would need to find them sooner rather than later.”

“I agree. It is the thing that puzzles me, and I cannot think of anything that results in a satisfactory conclusion.”

“Dunn could have been killed?” Miles asked.

“Yes. The only reassurance I can think of is if that were the case someone would have heard about it. Surely they all must still be alive or some sort of message would have been sent.”

“I hope you are right, my friend.”

“I hope so too. More than I ever thought I could.”

Chapter 13

Matthew felt as if he had been run over by a dozen cavalry charges. Everything ached, and all he wanted to do was sleep. Although as much as he hurt, waking up was not completely irksome. The angel who was Lydia seemed to be permanently at his side, and she soothed him, gave him cool water and wiped his face. She often sat on the edge of the bed and held his hand. He liked it very much when that happened, for it seemed to anchor him to her, and that sent a warmth coursing through his Copyright 2016 - 2024