Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,38

back in the town she had spent a lot of her life in, there seemed no reason why she could not enjoy Sophie’s company. It had been her own demons that had prevented her visiting, and Sophie was not getting any younger.

Her mornings were spent giving Isabella lessons, and then after some time in the garden, Isabella was sent into the old nursery at the top of the house with a maid. When it was clear they would be staying for a while, Sophie had redirected one of her most trusted maids to act as nanny for the girl.

Esther still insisted that Isabella sleep in the same room as her, so they had remained in the largest chamber, a truckle bed having been set up for Isabella.

One afternoon, Esther entered the drawing room and sat down with a sigh. “It’s far easier teaching one girl than a classroom full.”

“Are you ever going to venture out of doors?” Sophie asked, direct to the point as always.

“Probably not,” Esther admitted.

“Are you trying to hide? I doubt you will be able to secrete yourself away forever.”

“I am trying my hardest.”

Sophie smiled and poured a cup of tea for Esther. Handing the delicate china cup to the young woman, she touched Esther’s shoulder. “He will probably not remember you even if you see him.”

“I remember him. That is enough.”

“You aren’t a frightened child anymore.”

“No. I am a frightened woman. Not much has changed.”

“Don’t be such a wet goose. Look at your life now, rich and respectable. I am surprised you have never married. I thought you would.”

“My uncle’s inheritance has given me the opportunity to help girls who might benefit from a secure home and give them the skills to secure their own futures,” Esther said.

“You are curing their ails – very commendable, but lonely.”

Wrapping her arms around herself in an action of self-comfort, Esther looked into the fire. “That night still haunts me.”

“Your mother died years ago now. Isn’t it time to get over it?”

Esther thought the words a little harsh, but she supposed it was all part of Sophie’s directness. She had forgotten how brusque the woman could be. For most of Esther’s life, her mother had stood between her and Sophie; she was beginning to realise why. “I am afraid I can never do that. It wasn’t her time.”

“Then I am sorry for you. It seems you might be more like your parents than I thought.” Sophie looked a little annoyed at Esther but refrained from saying anything else.

Esther was confused by Sophie’s words. Sophie had been there throughout and had organised everything once Esther’s world had been destroyed. Esther had presumed there was a lot of sympathy on the older woman’s part, but for the first time she got the sense that Sophie was impatient with her responses. It was a little strange and unsettling. To try to understand it, Esther would have to reflect on her past, and that was something she did not relish.


Lydia refused to give up hope. She could not. For if she did, she would have lost twice, and that was too cruel. Surely she deserved some happiness. She sighed. Who was she to decide what she deserved and what she did not? She was happy for most of the time, but sometimes … sometimes she longed for a husband and family of her own.

When Matthew had entered the school, she had felt a pull towards him. It wasn’t really a surprise as he was a handsome man who did not seem as swaggeringly arrogant as Samuel did. The fact that he had seen the same service as her betrothed and had been injured might have been the first real connection they shared, but the attraction towards him went beyond that. She liked him for his own merit and for how he was. Gentle, kind and funny. Now it seemed he was fighting for his life, and she did not know how to help, or what she would do if he lost the battle.

Days had passed, and Matthew had raged with fever, delirious and distressed. A maid remained with him overnight on the strict instruction that if he should deteriorate Lydia must be called. She was determined that if he were to die, he would be with someone who cared about him.

Wiping Matthew’s face with a cloth as she did every morning when she first arrived in the room, Lydia was disturbed by the arrival of the doctor. He visited every morning but usually had Copyright 2016 - 2024