Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,31

Miss Hardy. That I can promise you.”

“Excellent. Thank you.”

Isabella had smiled at Matthew’s words and quite happily climbed into the carriage. Matthew was a favourite with her, always ready with a kind word and smile. She was more wary around Samuel, almost as if sensing he would not be as responsive to a young child’s needs. Esther had watched the interaction and realised their roles had been chosen to best comfort Isabella. Again, it showed how good both men were.

Clambering into the carriage, Lydia faltered when she saw Matthew would not be joining them. “You are not coming with us?” she asked in alarm.

“Oh yes, but I need to be saddled. The coachman will get you through no matter what, but I need to be able to respond to any surprises on the way,” Matthew quickly explained. His horse was already prepared, and he swung himself into the saddle.

Esther pulled down the window. “When do we go?”

“When we hear the diversion starting,” Matthew said. As if Samuel had heard his words, they heard shots being fired either from or at the house, and some explosions. “You can always rely on Jones to create a commotion.”

Esther was almost flung back in her seat as the carriage took off at speed. It burst through the open stable doors, but instead of driving to the front of the house and down the drive, it swung around to the lane that led to the back of the property. She realised the meaning of Mathew’s words to Isabella as they travelled at a breakneck pace along the little route onto the estate. She had faith in Bell’s driving but knew this was out of the ordinary for him; he would never usually travel in such a fashion, and it worried her further. Her servants were putting their lives at risk because of a decision she had made when taking in Isabella. She felt humble and ashamed that she had not considered fully what the consequences could be.

Keeping Isabella close, she could barely think as the carriage indeed seemed to travel like the wind through the lanes. How her coachman was going at such a pace in the dark would have terrified her, if the thought of what was left behind did not frighten her more. Little did she know that, under Matthew’s guidance, the coachman had travelled along that section of lane a hundred or more times over recent days, learning each curve, each rut and each corner. His horses knew it as well as he did, and together they almost flew down the lane.

Matthew followed behind. Once they reached the main road, they turned away from the house, and this time Matthew rode alongside the carriage on the wider thoroughfare.

They had only travelled a short distance when they heard the crack of a gunshot. Esther grabbed Lydia and Isabella and flung them to the floor of the carriage. A second shot rang out, and there was a tear in the fabric of the carriage. The horses bolted, and although travelling at speed beforehand, the carriage gave another lurch forward as the horses tried to escape.

The carriage’s occupants were bounced around as it lurched across the road, but they heard another gunshot above the noise of the wheels. Clinging to Isabella and Lydia in a huddle, Esther was convinced the carriage would be flung off the road at any moment. She only hoped they would survive the impact. She was glad Isabella had not gone into hysterics, but fear alone had probably silenced the poor girl.

Minutes seemed to pass before the carriage slowed and came to a halt. Esther immediately sprang up from where she had been crouching. “Stay here,” she instructed Lydia, before opening the door and holding the primed gun she still had in her possession.

Seeing the coachman clambering from his perch, she let down the steps to the carriage and climbed out. She ran to him, speaking as soon as he turned towards her. “I have no idea how you kept us upright, but thank you so very much!”

Letting out a shaken laugh, the coachman took off his hat and mopped his face with his handkerchief. “To be honest, Miss Hardy, I’ve no idea how I managed it either. I thought we were lost when that last gunshot was heard.”

“What happened?”

“Looks like they’d posted someone on the road. Captain Dunn gave chase.”

“Where is he?” Esther said, realising Matthew was not to be seen.

“I don’t know, but we must carry on. I’ll just Copyright 2016 - 2024