Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,29

be facing death in such a way after what we have dealt with.”

“Yes. I always thought I would go out in a blaze of glory. I suppose defending a child and two pretty women is something. It has a ring of the knights-in-shining-armour about it.”

Matthew laughed. “You consider yourself Sir Galahad?”

“And why not? I always thought there was something dashing about me. I think I was born to play the role of the tragic hero, don’t you?”

“I know you are completely ridiculous,” Matthew said.

“I am just underappreciated.” Samuel stood. “Come, let us join the ladies. That is enough melancholy for one evening.”

“One day you will care enough about something to be serious about it,” Matthew said, following him to the door. There was no point raising his concerns about Lydia’s safety, for Samuel would ridicule him and tell him to concentrate on the matter in hand, but Matthew was afraid for the first time ever, and not for himself.

“I doubt that very much, my friend,” Samuel answered, walking through the doorway. He hoped the words did not sound as hollow to Matthew as they did to his own ears. He had started to care about someone very much, and the thought terrified him, for if they were overrun, she would suffer a fate he could not bear to think of, and he would not be able to do a thing about it. It had him grinding his teeth for most of the day. The one woman to whom he was attracted above any other, and she was in real danger. He could growl with frustration and, for the first time in his life, with real fear.

Chapter 8

If a person or group of people are out to cause trouble, it is only a matter of time before they take steps that set a chain of events in motion. Whether those events are right or wrong, once they have stepped on that road there is usually no going back.


Dawson entered the drawing room and went immediately to Matthew. “Sir, a word?”

Matthew followed the old retainer but returned within moments. He nodded to Samuel. “It’s started.”

“What’s happening?” Esther and Lydia had stood when Samuel had.

“There are men on the drive. A letter has been delivered. Give the child up and there will be no bloodshed,” Matthew said grimly.

“Good God! The servants are in danger,” Esther said.

Samuel smiled slightly at her words. “I am more concerned about the three of you,” he said, indicating her, Lydia and Isabella. It was true. Perhaps one was more important to him than the others, but he wanted to protect them all.

“How do I prevent the servants being hurt?” Esther asked.

“We get you away. Now.”

“Isabella, we’re going on an adventure,” Lydia said, crossing to the child. “Won’t that be exciting?”

The child looked up. She had been engrossed in her writing, but she stood when Lydia reached her. “Can I bring my dolls?”

“Of course, my dear. Let’s go and collect them immediately.” Lydia turned to the others. “We shall return in a moment. Esther, I will bring your cloak.”

“Thank you,” Esther said. “Are you both to travel with us?” she asked the captains.

“I am,” Matthew replied. “I am fully armed, but Jones is going to remain to make sure no one is hurt here.”

Esther turned to Samuel. “Thank you. It will ease my mind knowing you are here, but will you be safe?”

“You doubt my abilities?”

“No. But I do doubt your ability to pacify someone looking for a fight.”

Matthew laughed heartily. “You have him summed up perfectly, Miss Hardy.”

Esther’s eyes twinkled in merriment, but she kept her face impassive. Her heart was pounding, but she had to remain in control.

“I am to become your butler. Dawson argued against the need to relinquish his role, but he eventually understood the reason why,” Samuel drawled.

“A promotion for you, then.” Esther tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She did not know what plans had been made, but she knew that Samuel would be dressing as her butler because it was a dangerous position to hold. He would be the first person to interact with the people approaching the house. The thought terrified her.

“Dawson would definitely consider it so. Excuse me, I need to go and change,” Samuel said.

Esther followed him to the door. He looked in question at her. “Please be careful,” she said quietly.

“No wishing me to the devil today?” he asked, his tone mocking but not cruelly so.

“Not today. I want you to be well,” Esther admitted, flushing.

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