Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,19

hands in the way they always walked from the classroom to other locations, all chattering loudly. They were heading towards their dining room.

He waited until Lydia reached the doorway, and raised his eyebrows in question.

“Lizzy came to say that Esther had asked that the children be taken in to luncheon early because of what was happening. What was going on?” Lydia said.

“Something havey-cavey, if you ask me. Where’s Isabella?” Matthew demanded, noticing the child was not next to Lydia as she usually was.

“Lizzy was taking her to Esther’s study.”

“I think we had better check.” Matthew walked towards the end of the corridor where Esther’s study was located. Lydia followed him in silence. Knocking but without waiting for an answer, Matthew opened the door. The study was vacant, but the window was open, the curtain moving gently in the breeze. “Blast it!”

“Oh, my God! No!” Lydia said, running towards the window.

Matthew followed her and touched her arm. “I’ll go and search that way. You find Miss Hardy. Quickly.”

Pale-faced but nodding, Lydia ran through the door and back into the house. She checked each room until she spotted Esther through the open window of the morning room. Almost bursting through the opening, she rushed towards Samuel and Esther, who were still enjoying their moment of quiet.

Esther and Samuel both sprang to their feet on hearing Lydia’s hurried approach.

“What’s happened?” Samuel demanded.

“Lizzy came in and asked for Isabella. There was a commotion at the front door. Captain Dunn went to investigate. Lizzy said you wanted the children to go to luncheon early and for her to take Isabella to you in your study, but she isn’t in your study. I’m so sorry, Esther. I never thought she’d be at risk from Lizzy.”

“Damn it. We need to find the maid,” Samuel muttered before running back towards the house. He skirted the outside, unaware that Esther and Lydia were hard on his heels.

“Captain Jones, go to the stables!” Esther said.

Samuel turned but kept his momentum going. “You have a thought?”

“Just a gut feeling,” Esther said grimly.

Hurrying around the house, she could not help lifting her skirts in order to maintain her pace. It had all seemed too easy, keeping Isabella safe, and although she was convinced that there would be a reasonable explanation, a niggle of worry kept her heart pounding in dread.

Samuel’s mind was racing. She had only been gone a few moments; they would be able to find her. It would not be too late. He could curse that Lydia had accepted what the maid had said.

The three turned into the stable yard and paused. The maid was standing, hands on hips, scolding a young stable hand. Isabella was standing behind Lizzy, but the maid had the child’s arm gripped tightly.

“Lizzy! What the devil are you doing here?” Esther’s voice rang out across the stable yard and silenced the arguing young girl.

A face pale with fear turned to them. The moment she saw who was bearing down on her, for their pause of surprise had lasted only the merest moment before they had started towards the girl, she released Isabella and began to back away from the group.

Making a dart for freedom, she was easily caught by Samuel, who grabbed her by her hood and arm and kept a tight hold of the now writhing, sobbing young girl. She was barely sixteen, and slight; she was no match for Samuel’s strength.

Esther enfolded Isabella into her arms before handing her over to Lydia. “Take her back to the house,” Esther said. “I shall need to get to the bottom of this.”

“I need to speak to you,” Lydia said quietly. “I cannot begin to apologise.”

“Later,” Esther said, placing a reassuring hand on Lydia’s arm.

Lydia nodded and, taking hold of Isabella’s hand, she started to return to the house. Meeting Matthew crossing a lawned area, she paused slightly. “Lizzy was trying to get a horse mounted.”

“Blast it. I will walk you back. I do not want any other surprises.”

“I’ve been stupid,” Lydia said as they walked. “I should never have let Lizzy take her.”

“Does she ordinarily act as go-between?”

“Yes. Often,” Lydia said.

“Then someone knew exactly who to target in order that the action would not appear suspicious,” Matthew reasoned.

“Only a person living with us would know our routines.”


“This whole situation has just got worse.”

“It certainly has,” the usually reassuring Matthew said.

Chapter 6

Esther walked alongside Samuel, who was keeping tight hold of the maid. Lizzy was sobbing loudly, and although Esther did not think the child was Copyright 2016 - 2024