Can't Hurry Love (Sunshine Valley #1) - Melinda Curtis Page 0,9

set off.

“Be careful,” Drew called after them, most likely too late.

A white Subaru wagon pulled up next to Drew, blocking the traffic going the other way.

Flashing that determined smile of hers, Mims leaned over the steering wheel so she could see Drew through the open passenger window. “Sheriff, we just heard from your mother that you’re looking for a good child-custody lawyer.”

Kudos to Mom for holding out four hours with the news.

Drew kept his voice carefully neutral. “Do you have a recommendation?” There were only two law firms in town, each run by one of Judge Harper’s sons.

“We do.” Clarice smoothed a gray braid over her shoulder and said in complete seriousness, “You should get married.”

Drew clutched the cruiser’s doorframe.

“No judge will take Becky away from her married, upstanding father,” Bitsy added from the back seat.

A truck turned onto Main Street and headed toward the Subaru.

“Not for a woman whose only claim to stability for six years has been a post office box.” Mims gave the slowing truck a finger—her index finger—as if to say, Just a minute.

“And we have the perfect woman for you,” Bitsy said in that soothing voice of hers.

Drew wasn’t soothed.

“We called Wendy Adams,” Mims said in a rush, causing Bitsy to frown. “She’s interested.”

“Bring cash to the auction tonight.” Clarice jabbed a finger in his direction. “And don’t be late.”

The approaching truck honked. The widows promised to see Drew later and drove out of the way, leaving him standing in the middle of Main Street.

Get married?

Get real.

Except, a small voice in his head whispered, it makes sense on paper. To protect Becky.

Drew shook his head, sliding behind the wheel and putting the car in drive. It didn’t matter that he’d been thinking about putting himself back in the dating scene now that Becky was older. If he’d learned anything from Lola and Randy, it was that whirlwind romance did not make for a happy, stable marriage. When he got married again, it’d be to someone who’d be a great mother for Becky. Someone generous and kind. Someone predictable and stable. Someone who’d value their marriage vows and who loved Sunshine and never wanted to leave. Someone like…

Wendy Adams.

Wendy was a secretary at the elementary school, taught Sunday school to tots, was a member of the quilting club, and had never drunk herself under the table at Shaw’s. She was a few years younger than Drew and a Sunshine native. And okay, she was pretty, a petite blonde with subtle curves and a soft voice. She didn’t dress as if she were going to a New York City nightclub, but she didn’t dress like a nun either.

His cell phone rang through the cruiser’s console.

“Dad, Daddy, Papa, Padre!”

His daughter’s enthusiastic greeting always made Drew smile. “What is it, honey?”

“Granny says we’re getting married.” Becky giggled and giggled and giggled some more, as if she were being mauled by a small, overly affectionate puppy.

“Granny is jumping the gun.” Drew clenched his jaw, turning down Gigi’s street. “Put her on the phone, honey.”

“Granny Susie!” Becky’s cowboy boots clumped on hardwood. “Granny! Daddy’s on the phone.” And then her voice dropped to a whisper. “Don’t tell her I called you.”

“Hello? Drew?” When Susie Taylor came on the line, she sounded innocent. Too innocent. Which usually meant his mother was guilty of more than she was willing to admit. “What’s up?”

“Marriage? Am I not the only one of your children who’s provided you with a grandchild?”

“Oh, but Drew—”

“And what did I say the last time you set me up on a blind date?”

“Oh, but Drew, I haven’t—”

“I said give it time.” He parked in front of Gigi’s white picket fence. “I said give Becky and me both time.”

“Ah,” his mom said, lowering her voice. “You saw Mims.”

“After you called her. Yes. And then Becky told me I was getting married.”

“Well, that exploded in my face pretty quickly, didn’t it?” His mom sighed. “I called Mims because her grandson went through a custody battle last year. I wanted some advice for you. Mims mentioned how Carl’s being engaged helped him in court. And then she suggested the bachelorette auction.”

Drew closed his eyes. “And…” There had to be more.

“And Wendy Adams. She mentioned how Wendy Adams would be perfect for you.” His mom’s tone took a defensive turn. “If you know these things, why do you interrogate me?”

“Because cops love confessions.” Not that it made him feel any better about the situation. Drew opened his eyes to face his next call.

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