Came Back Haunted (Experiment in Terror #10) - Karina Halle Page 0,21


“Oh, I’m sure you’re not.” He nods at my purse. “You should bring out the EVP, just in case that thing hears things more than we do. And the flashlight. And the EMF meter as well.”

“I only have so many hands,” I say, rummaging through my purse.

Dex doesn’t say anything to that so once I’ve got the EVP in my hands, I look at him. He’s staring at me with the goofiest smile on his face, his expression catching me off-guard.

“What?” I ask. I can’t help but smile right back.

“You,” he says, bringing the camera up to his face, taking off the lens cap before looking through it at me. “There you are.”

I look away, feeling put on the spot, especially as the camera focuses on my face. “This is crazy, isn’t it?”

“That we’re right back where we started?” He peers at me over the camera, meeting my eyes.

“In a way, yeah. I just never thought we’d be doing this again.”

His mouth curls as he squints at me. “Did you really think that?”

I suck on my lower lip for a moment. The truth is, even if it was something I didn’t actively think about, I think my subconscious, some deep part of me, knew I would return to this in some shape or form. “I guess not.”

He grins, his tongue briefly poking through his teeth. “I guess the difference is, now I can touch you all I want.”

My brow raises. “Oh, you can, can you?”

“Perks of being your husband,” he says, stepping closer. He lowers the camera and grabs my free hand, pressing it against the fly of his black jeans so that I feel the thick, hard length of his erection.

“Good lord, Dex,” I say, glancing up at him. I give him a squeeze, just to see his eyes roll back in his head, hear the sharp intake of his breath. “Completely inappropriate, as always.”

He leans in, nose brushing against my ear. “You can’t tell me that you’re not turned on as fuck,” he murmurs.

I wasn’t, actually, until now. But even so.

I give him a stern look. “Dex. No.”

He just gives me a lazy grin, the heat in his eyes flaring up, causing my body to do the same.

But I’m not crazy. “We’re not fucking in a haunted house, okay?”

His expression doesn’t change. If anything, I feel him grow harder against my hand. “This hasn’t been on your bucket list?” he asks, his voice going low, husky, the kind of voice that gives you goosebumps. “Because it’s sure as hell has been on mine.”

“I wasn’t even aware you had a sexual bucket list,” I tell him, giving him another squeeze. “But of course you do.”

His eyes flutter closed, mouth falling open. “You know, you’re looking at me like I’m crazy yet you’re the one who keeps touching me.”

He’s right. But even though my body seems to want to check off his bucket list right now, the rest of me knows we have a job to do.

I take my hand away and place it at his chest. “Fair enough. Besides, you know we’ve already had sex in a haunted school. Doesn’t that count?”

He practically growls with disappointment. I have to admit, it gives me a lot of pleasure knowing how much I turn him on, even when I don’t mean to (and especially when I do).

“It’s not the same,” he says gruffly as I push past him toward the door. “And, if I remember correctly, you came three fucking times, and that was after you said I was crazy for wanting to have sex with you there. See, nothing bad happened.”

I pause and give him a wry look over my shoulder. “We almost died.”

He adjusts his dick in his pants and walks over to me, full of swagger. “Kiddo, when don’t we almost die?”

His tone is light and his eyes are dancing in that half-manic, half-carnal way, yet his words hit deep. Last night’s dream, combined with the real-life memory, flashes before my eyes. The time that “almost” became absolute.

Dex obviously picks that up from me because his expression quickly softens and he leans in to place a gentle kiss on my cheek, his lips warm. “Come on. We have a job to do. I promise I’ll keep it in my pants for now. All bets are off when we get home, though.”

He puts his hand on the doorknob and waits for me to join him at his side. “You ready, baby?”

I nod, quickly eager to get inside before I Copyright 2016 - 2024