The Call of Monsters (My Beautiful Monsters #3) - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,70

can come with me to London. You won’t be servants, but you’ll need jobs and lodging. I can get you set up in flats and either offer you employment with me or help you find a job. I want to make this as easy for you as possible. I lived in the same house as you, and I know how you were treated.”

One of the men holding her arm appeared to be a leader among them.

“I believe her. Hera was kind to us when he wasn’t around. She did more for herself than he ever did. Make your decision. Stay or go. I have too many terrible memories here. I want to leave.”

Every single one of Zeus’s servants wanted to leave. Some wanted to go right that minute and some wanted to wait and leave with Hera. The Olympians watching weren’t stupid and shut their fucking mouths while the details were being worked out. I could tell they didn’t like what was doing down, and if they had to do this with their servants, it would leave a nasty taste in their mouths.

I also knew it wasn’t going to go down like this for many Olympians. Hera made it a point to be kind to the humans here and did as much for herself as she could get away with having Zeus for a husband. This was going to be a cluster fuck for some of these Olympians, and they knew it.

“Come to my place!” Dionysus said. “We’ll have a feast to kick off this new society. We’ll mourn our dead. We’ll make plans on how to best approach this with the humans and how we want to play things when we open the gates. There are realms we could make alliances and trade with.”

Olympians were so weird. Their mood totally changed when Dionysus mentioned having a party. Then again, I’d read all about his parties when he was pretending to be the God of Wine and Fertility. At least I wasn’t worried about getting killed by an Olympian anymore.

Now, I was worried about surviving a party thrown by Dionysus himself.

Chapter 28



fter we killed several of their people, having a party was just so fucked up to me until we arrived back at Dionysus’s place, and I realized why. Hermes and Eros had been plotting and didn’t keep us in the loop. Were we just there to kill everyone for them? They could have told us what they were doing. We all would have been okay with this.

This wasn’t just a feast for the Olympians. Someone, probably Eros, because he wasn’t with us, went around inviting humans. Awkward didn’t even cover this at first. They served all the food buffet style, and there was a wine fountain for people to serve themselves. The Olympians looked like they didn’t even know how to fix themselves a plate of food, and the humans looked like they didn’t know if they should ask if they should make them one.

I guess we weren’t just here to kill people. My monsters and I worked the crowd trying to get the humans to enjoy the food and wine and give the Olympians the stink eye so they wouldn’t ask the humans to feed them.

It seemed to take ages, but when Apollo and Hermes broke out their lyres, people finally relaxed. They were fucking talented as hell, and people were getting a little more wine in them. The humans still didn’t know why they had been invited to this party and weren’t asked to work it.

I’d give it to Dionysus. He waited until everyone was good and drunk before he dropped his bomb about the new society. Problem solved. The Olympians wouldn’t have to have awkward conversations with their servants that could go wrong, and they’d have no backup.

He did it in a way that they didn’t find out about the weapon. All he said was that they had overthrown Zeus and a few other Olympians. He swore the servants of Athena, Poseidon, and Ares would have things better, and he offered passage to Earth for anyone who wanted it. Hera gave the same offer to help them if they wanted to leave with her.

I couldn’t blame these humans. A lot of them wanted to leave right that minute and take their chances in an unfamiliar world. I would give this to them. Maybe it was fear, perhaps it was something else, but they didn’t hurl any insults at the Olympians on their way out. They just Copyright 2016 - 2024