Call Me Crazy (Bellamy Creek #3) - Melanie Harlow Page 0,65

the steps.

“You cheated!” I squealed, racing toward his bedroom, which we’d been sharing since my second night here. “You said you’d give me until the top of the stairs!” I moved as fast as I could, but I still couldn’t manage to slam the door shut behind me—Enzo easily caught it with his forearm and swung it open.

“I didn’t cheat. I lied. There’s a difference.”

Breathing hard, I backed toward the bed, my hands out in front of me. “You once told me you never lied.”

“That was before you put on the apron. Before you ran away from me.” He came toward me slowly now, his dark eyes on fire, his tone menacing. “Do you think that was nice to do to your husband? Torture him? Make him mad? Turn him into a monster?”

The backs of my legs hit the bed just as he grabbed my forearms. “What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to punish you.”

My heart was pounding. “How?”

Without answering, he spun me around, put his hand on my back, and forced me forward at the waist. The next thing I heard was his belt being undone. The next thing I felt were my wrists being bound behind my back. The next thing I knew, he was leaning over me, his fists braced beside my shoulders, his voice teasing in my ear. “Come on, Lucy. Fight me.”

I struggled against the leather strap, but it was too tight—and he still hovered right over my back so I couldn’t stand up. I huffed and puffed and writhed, but I gave up the effort in less than ten seconds.

“Do you surrender?” he asked, his breath tickling my skin, his lips brushing the back of my neck. His chest was hot and solid against my back, and my body was burning up for him.

“Never,” I hissed.

“Then I guess you leave me no choice.” He straightened up and delivered a loud, hard slap to my ass. “What about now?”

I yelped—because yes, it fucking stung—but then I laughed. “No! Is it too late to change my mind about marrying you?”

“On our anniversary? You heartless wench.” He smacked the other side of my ass, then covered both cheeks with his palms, pressing gently.

“I didn’t sign up for this abuse!”

“This isn’t abuse, babe.” He knelt behind me and kissed my burning flesh. “This is revenge.”

“For what?” I breathed. His soft, full lips moving over the skin his hands had just marked, made my legs tremble.

“For making me want you this way.” One of his hands slid up between my thighs, his fingers probing inside me. “For teasing me. For tempting me.”

My pulse was firing rapidly, my insides were melting at his touch. “You deserved it.”

“Maybe I did.” He slipped his fingers in deep, then withdrew them, rubbing them over my clit in slow, rhythmic circles. “But you’re still a wicked little girl.”

“You like it,” I whispered as he pushed my heels farther apart and buried his face between my legs, fucking me with his tongue.

My mouth fell open and my eyes squeezed shut. Was this real? Enzo Moretti—cocky, high-and-mighty, self-absorbed Enzo Moretti was kneeling between my thighs, worshiping my body with his arrogant mouth and his insolent tongue and those beautifully rugged hands?

In no time at all, my legs were nearly numb with pleasure. My insides were knotted so tight, I cried out with the need for release. My swollen clit hummed as he licked and sucked and teased it. But any time I got close to orgasm, he always backed off—and I knew he was doing it on purpose, because I’d hear the low chuckle in his throat and feel his breath on my warm, wet skin. He knew my body so well already.

“Enzo,” I begged, near tears. “Please.”

“Please what?”

“Let me come.”

“Say you’re sorry.”

I was done with games. “I’m sorry. I surrender.”

He laughed. “So fucking easy.”

But he did what I asked for, pushing his fingers deeper and working his tongue faster, and inside a minute, my body was pulsing and spasming, my insides contracting in sweet relief.

My body was still buzzing with bliss when Enzo sank his teeth into my ass and growled. I cried out in pain, although secretly I couldn’t get enough of the way he seemed so out of control tonight.

He rose to his feet, and I heard the zipper of his jeans go down. A second later, I felt his cock sliding back and forth along the crack of my ass. “Yes,” I whispered, arching my back in invitation.

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