Call It Magic by Janet Chapman Page 0,61

ours,” Ike added in a growl.

“Yeah,” Paul Higgins injected. “The campfires are our community service.”

“And if the Grange ladies try to have their own campfire here in the park,” Ike went on, “they better make sure they get a permit first.” He suddenly grinned. “And after we do a safety inspection on their pit, maybe we’ll write them one.”

Raucous laughter broke out, echoing between the trees. Katy joined in, once again thrilled that her fire pit had become so inarguably theirs. As her head went back, her eye caught Gunnar’s, and the expression on his face killed her mirth. He held her eye for several seconds, then glanced, ever so slightly, at the empty bottle in front of her. Finally, he looked away, every bit of the interest she’d just seen now erased.

It’s not a crime to pour out water, she told herself, knowing deep down that had nothing to do with it.

* * *

* * *

At shift-change the next morning, Katy walked into chaos in the station kitchen. She stepped inside and found everyone clustered around the television, hooting and hollering like they’d discovered a second sun.

“What’s going on?” she asked Welles, who stood nearest the door.

“Canada has a new island,” he said and pointed to the television.

Katy frowned. Why was that such a big deal? She peered up at the TV, mystified by the fuss over an ordinary—albeit stunningly beautiful—blue-green land mass, teeming with lush flora and soaring mountain peaks. Then she saw the headline. This wasn’t some renamed or reclaimed piece of land. Instead, according to the stunned newscasters, this island literally appeared in the center of James Bay in Canada, rising up out of the water overnight.

She smiled, realizing she was more in the loop than most. Of course. This was Atlantis. The rumors about Titus’ plans were true. He’d actually done it, and he’d thrown the world on its ear in the process. Good for him, she thought, her grin widening.

And then it faded as Gunnar popped into her mind. She glanced around the kitchen, found him standing near the corner, his expression deep and unreadable. She waited for him to look at her, wanting to at least give him some sign of concern. How devastating it must be to know he could never go home again. She couldn’t even imagine how she’d fall apart if Pine Creek suddenly disappeared.

When he finally looked her way, she tried to say all of that with her smile. He smiled back, looking a bit like he didn’t quite get the joke, but maybe that had something to do with him cutting those ties—to the Oceanuses, to Nicholas, and to magic in general—a long time ago. Whatever the reason, he seemed to interpret her smile as an invitation, and he navigated through the others and made his way to her.

“Pretty crazy, huh?” he said, leaning casually against the wall.

“Depends on your perspective, I guess.” Katy thought about giving him a wink, then thought better of it.

“So this doesn’t surprise you?”

“Not especially. Does it surprise you?”

“As much as anyone, I guess.”

“Got it.” If he could downplay it, so could she.

He studied her for a moment, the quizzical look returning, and then it cleared. “So, I’ve been meaning to ask if I could go riding with you sometime.”

Katy felt her eyes widen. Well that was a lovely idea. Why hadn’t she thought of that? “I didn’t know riding interested you.”

“I happen to love horses.”

Ahh. That make perfect sense. He might have to give up Atlantis, but he’d always be a mythical warrior. And what did warriors need? Horses.

In fact, she realized, maybe a renewed relationship with horses might be his way of dealing with his other losses. He might have to give up some things, but he didn’t have to give up everything.

“Gunnar Wolfe, I would be thrilled to take you riding,” Katy said. “In fact, if you’d be willing to help me turn a young friend into a capable rider, there’ll even be a kiss in it for ye.”

His eyes widened, a bit like a kid getting his first glimpse of Christmas morning abundance, then he nodded like a bobblehead. Chuckling softly, she gave him her brightest smile, immensely pleased with the way things were shaping up. Not only did she get to spend time riding her beloved horse with this hunky man, she also got to help him hold on to his essence in the process.

Chapter Eleven

Gunnar peered up at Katy, painfully aware of how hard she was trying Copyright 2016 - 2024