Caleb's Mate - Becca Jameson Page 0,14

to set the groundwork. “Let’s get something straight. I was not sent over here to entertain you. I’m not Hunter’s wingman. In fact, I’m pretty sure I saw you before Hunter saw Layla. So, technically you could say he’s my wingman.”

Elena’s brow furrowed. “We just met half an hour ago. Your friend saw Layla out running earlier.”

“Yep.” He wiggled his brows, hoping his next words wouldn’t freak her out. “But I saw you at Morton’s Grocery earlier, and when Hunter texted me to meet him here, I’d already set my sights on you.” He grinned, feeling pretty proud of his argument.

She licked her lips, hesitating. “You saw me at the store?”


“And then what? You hoped I would come here tonight?”

“Exactly.” He shrugged. “What other choice did I have? There’s only one bar in Canyon Springs, and I didn’t have any other specific way to find you. I mean I could have asked around town, and I would have if I’d been unsuccessful tonight, but both of us took the chance that you might come here.”

Elena stared at him, incredulously.

He stroked his thumb over the back of her hand.

“And then you could smell me.” She was piecing it together.


“So, tell me what you’re planning to do while you’re in town. Are you staying at Marge’s house?”

She nodded and then took a sip of her soda. “We’re here to settle the estate.”

“Oh. You’re planning to sell her house?” He couldn’t keep from frowning. Somehow he had to convince this woman she was his and not let her leave Canyon Springs. How much time did he have?

“Yes. What else would we do with it? We don’t know a single person in this town, and we both have lives and jobs.”

“Where?” Caleb’s pulse picked up. This was going to be complicated.

“I live in Chicago. I’m a journalist. Layla lives in LA. She’s an actress.”

He nodded. Shit. It should have occurred to him how difficult this was going to be. Obviously two women didn’t just appear out of thin air in Canyon Springs. They would have lives and careers. Hell, her sister was an actress. Caleb wondered what he might have seen her in. She was so distinct, he would surely remember her. “How long are you planning to stay?”

She shrugged. “We talked about a week, but once we got here and I saw the house, I started to feel nostalgic. Marge was my great aunt. I never met her. I don’t want to just throw away everything she owns without taking some time to explore her home. We don’t have other relatives. Maybe I’ll need more like two weeks.”

He gripped her hand tighter. “God I hope so. I like this plan even better.” I hope you stay forever.

She bit into her lower lip, making his cock stiffen once again. He wanted to lean forward and kiss her, suck that lip between his. Find out what kind of noises she made when she was thoroughly kissed.

He wouldn’t do that. Not here. Not in a crowded bar. Partly because he wanted their first kiss to be special. Private. He wanted her uninhibited so he would know the real her.

And then there was the fact that he probably wouldn’t be able to stop at just a kiss. Nope. He needed to keep his mouth to himself for now. He swallowed. “So, you’re a journalist. A reporter? Or a writer?”

She giggled, and he almost had to reach down and adjust his cock. “Do I seem like the sort of person who could do any sort of public speaking? I write. I find interesting stories, write about them, and sell them to whoever is willing to buy them.”

“Wow. That sounds like a tough job. Hustling.”

She sighed. “Believe me. It is. I haven’t managed to make ends meet yet. I’ve been working a second job to pay the rent.” She glanced around. “Layla doesn’t know that.”

He was shocked. Mostly that she had secrets from her sister. But also that she’d trusted him enough to tell those secrets.

She scrunched up her face. “The truth is I’m embarrassed, and I don’t want her to know I’m a failure.”

He cringed before squeezing her hand again. “You’re not a failure. I’m sure it’s a tough profession. How old are you? You can’t have been doing this long.”

“Twenty-four. Graduated college two years ago.”

“Well, don’t sell yourself short. I bet your writing is fantastic. As soon as the right person finds you, you’re going to take over the world.” He hoped he was right. Some day Copyright 2016 - 2024