Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,46

knew the feeling. Even now, she swept the moisture from beneath her eyes, but there was little use in the gesture. More tears quivered in her lashes.

“It gets easier.” Marietta’s age-spotted hands twisted in her lap.

“Yes.” Kenji touched Marietta’s knee then withdrew.

“It does, but some days are harder than others,” Winnie choked out. “Christmas is hard.” And Michael, the little traitor, sat at home laughing at a stupid video game after shredding his mother’s hopes.

“It also gives comfort that our Lord and Savior came to this earth to forgive our sins and give us hope for that future with Him, when He will wipe all tears from our eyes and lead us into life everlasting.” Marietta turned to the elderly man beside her. “I have told you this, Kenji.”

A slight frown came between Kenji’s brows as he nodded slightly.

Al had been so much like his mother, always willing to share Jesus with everyone around him. Winnie managed a smile at the thought. This thing with Charlie would work itself out, wouldn’t it? They’d only known each other a month, if she didn’t count buying coffee from his truck for months before that. She could give it time. Give Michael time. The real prayer need was Dominic and Katri. Winnie should be at the house, ready to talk to her son when he was ready to talk to her.

“Daddy!” Katri flung herself into Charlie’s arms.

He’d found her Prius in the staff parking lot and stood beside it, not knowing if he could catch her if he entered the hospital. She’d taken time to change out of her uniform before coming out. When she’d taken so long, he’d worried she’d gone out with friends instead of coming to her vehicle. But here she was.

Charlie wrapped both arms around his little girl and tucked her tight against his chest. “Hi, baby.”

“You didn’t need to come. I told you that, didn’t I?”

“I know, but I hoped you’d be glad to see me, anyway. Let me take you to the Fireweed for dinner. They have a turkey dinner buffet for another couple of hours. You can tell me what’s on your mind.” And surely he could make her understand his side of this story.

“I-I can’t. I promised Mom...”

“But you were coming to Spokane with Dominic. Your mother wasn’t expecting you.”

“Not then, but she is now.” Katri stepped back and wiped beneath her eyes. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t know you were coming.”

Give in to Julia without a fight? Not this guy. Not again. His ex had done enough damage. “I can’t make you change your mind, huh?”

Lower lip still quivering, Katri checked her watch. “She’s expecting me in twenty minutes.”

Charlie hadn’t arrived at this point in his life without the ability to make quick, firm decisions. “Then I’m coming with you.”

“No! You can’t do that.”

In the five seconds since he’d thought of it, it seemed like a better and better idea. “Sure, I can. Your mother and I can be civil with each other.” Well, he could be. He wasn’t placing any bets on Julia. “Besides, I haven’t seen Evie in a while. She’ll be there, right?”

Katri pressed both hands to her face, fingertips massaging her eyelids. “Dad, no.”

“You don’t think I can keep from picking a fight? You’re the one who introduced me to Jesus. Grant Him some credit for giving me a makeover.”

She managed a half-smile at his girly term.

Charlie pressed his advantage. “Seriously, baby. How bad can it be? It’s Christmas Day, and I want to spend time with both my girls. We either drive over together, or I’ll follow you. I know where she lives. Don’t forget it was my address, too, for a lot of years.”

“I can’t stop you?” Her eyes still pleaded.

He shook his head. He’d won. Besides, he had a thing or two to say to his ex for meddling in Katri and Dominic’s relationship. In his and Winnie’s. Uh... maybe challenging her in front of their daughters at Christmas was a bad idea. He’d need to pray the whole way there and really, truly listen to the Lord’s nudges in his spirit. A lot hinged on the next couple of hours, and Katri’s engagement was the most important.

Winnie was secondary. Not in his thoughts. Hopefully, not in his future. But tonight? His focus needed to be on getting Julia to back off their daughters.

No, his focus needed to be on Jesus. If he could only hold onto that, the rest would fall into place as it was Copyright 2016 - 2024