Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,38

I can’t change that no matter what I do.” Except telling Charlie not to come by anymore, and she wasn’t about to go there. Not that Charlie’s disappearance would miraculously fix Michael’s issues.

“I see, Mom. Sorry to end the call this way, but I have to go.”

“Goodnight, Dominic. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

She sat on the edge of her bed in the darkness for several long minutes. Was it so wrong to think she could find love again? How could that possibly be an embarrassment to her son? It wasn’t like she was doing anything inappropriate with Charlie.

Still, what had it looked like to Michael, watching her and Charlie flirt and kiss and hold each other tight? It might not have been truly inappropriate, but it still would have been shocking to an unsuspecting thirteen-year-old.

Lord? What do I do now?

The movie over, Michael disappeared down the stairs, Landon and Gabby took the popcorn bowls to the kitchen, and Brittany tugged on her coat and boots to walk back to the apartment she shared with her cousin Ava.

Still Charlie sat on the sofa. Who had called? Was Winnie going to be on the phone a long time, or was she coming back out to say goodbye? They hadn’t even had a minute alone together. That was okay. This day had been all about baking with her family, and it had been fun. Still, he couldn’t help but hope for at least a little kiss on the doorstep before he headed back to his own place.

Landon and Gabby said goodnight to Charlie and went their separate ways.

Maybe he should go. He could call or text Winnie later to see if everything was okay. It was only nine-thirty, though. He could wait a few more minutes.

She came down the hallway quietly, with a serious expression on her face, not meeting his gaze.

Charlie patted the spot next to him on the sofa, but she seemed not to notice as she sank into her chair then tipped her head back with her eyes closed.

“Winnie? What’s wrong?” This had to be more than tiredness. He’d seen her tired before, and it hadn’t stolen her verve.

“Where are the kids?” She looked around. “In the kitchen still?”

He shook his head. “The boys went to the basement, Brittany went out the door, and Gabriella went to her room. I hear the shower running.”

Winnie gaze bounced off his before she looked down at her hands twisting in her lap. “It was Dominic.”

“Is he okay? Is it Katri?” Charlie forced himself to stay seated, but he pulled out his phone to check for any missed calls. There were none.

“They’re fine, just busy. They had dinner with Katri’s mother a couple of days ago, though.”

“Julia loves that Dominic is a doctor and can provide well for Katri.”

“It’s not that.”

Charlie searched for patience. “Then what?”

“I... I guess she poked a bit of fun that you and I are seeing each other, and now Dominic thinks it’s all awkward.” She air-quoted the word.

“He... what?”

“Thinks it is weird that his mother is dating his fiancée’s father.”

He chuckled. “It is weird.”

Winnie didn’t look at him. “Not helping.”

“Sorry. I mean, it is a little odd, right? I’m okay with that, but you say our kids aren’t?” Katri hadn’t said anything. Then again, Charlie hadn’t talked to her since she’d last visited Julia. Apparently, a little contamination from his ex could go a long way. “It’s none of Julia’s business. It isn’t really Katri or Dominic’s business, either.”

“He said Michael called him. He saw us... kissing.”

“Oh.” That must have been Sunday evening. There’d only been a peck or two a couple of times since that breath stealing first kiss. Their relationship might not be Julia’s concern or that of their adult children, but Michael could be a different thing. By the look on Winnie’s face, she took her youngest’s anxiety seriously.

As she should.

Probably. How would he know? A situation like this hadn’t ever come up for him. Back then, he wouldn’t have cared if it had. Julia certainly hadn’t been bothered when their daughters caught her kissing other men... or when a strange guy wandered out of her bedroom clad only in a pair of briefs. Julia hadn’t been bothered... but Katri had, and told Charlie later, once their relationship had begun to mend.

Kids were impressionable. And Michael was at an awkward stage. Charlie had been making moves on girls himself by that age.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he clasped his hands in Copyright 2016 - 2024