Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,22

each. Both with just cream. Behind them, Michael and Landon bickered over the last of the deli meat as they packed lunches for school tomorrow.

He studied Winnie in the video chat window. She’d avoided a direct answer to his invitation the other day, but there would be more chances. They were stuck together planning this wedding, and he’d make sure that gave him plenty of opportunities to spend time with Winnie. He’d been a bit premature with that impulsive request, but he was an actionable kind of man. Cautious and indecisive would never have cut it at Boeing.

And, for some reason, he’d decided to see where things might lead with Winnie. Which could backfire totally if they had a personal falling-out and still had the kids’ wedding to orchestrate. Well, he’d just back off, in that case. Winnie could send him the bills, he’d pay them, they’d see each other briefly at the event itself, and that would be the end of it.

A second image popped up beside the one of Winnie and him, shrinking it. Katri bounced in her seat and blew kisses at the camera.

His little girl. She was something else.

Dominic leaned over Katri’s shoulder. “Hi, Mom. Hi, Charlie.”

“Hi, guys.” Winnie waved.

“So, we made some decisions,” Dominic said. “The date is fine. We can make it work, for sure. We’d like three attendants each.”

“Evie will be my maid-of-honor, of course.” Katri beamed. “And... are Brittany and Gabriella in the room?”

Winnie shook her head. “No.”

But Charlie’s brain had stalled on Evie. He hadn’t seen his eldest daughter since Katri’s graduation from nursing school, and then, only briefly and at a distance. Maybe he’d have a chance to make amends with her. How? No idea, but worth considering. Of course, with Evie came her mother, which wouldn’t make things any easier.

“Well, I’d like them, too. I’ll give them a call tonight. Text me their phone numbers, okay, Dom?”

“’Kay.” He nuzzled her cheek.

Aw, young love. Was it acceptable to be a little jealous?

“Yo, Landon?” Dominic’s voice raised.

“Hey, bro.” Landon stepped up behind his mother. “What’s up?”

“Hey, I’d like you to be one of my groomsmen. That okay with you? I’ll ask Evan to be best man, since you’re not old enough to sign the papers.”

“Dude, sure. Thanks.”



The younger teen stood further back, arms crossed, barely visible onscreen.

“I’d like you up front, too, Squeak.”

“I guess.” Michael slunk out of the kitchen.

Charlie turned to watch him go. Winnie’d mentioned the boy had seen his dad’s accident minutes after it happened. That he’d been a happy-go-lucky kid before, but not so much since. Charlie had rarely seen him smile, not that they’d been together much. Was there any way to put a grin on the kid’s face? He’d have to think on that.

“I’ll get the girls into a video chat about dresses and colors and let you know what we decide. That will help define options for flowers and decorations,” Katri was saying.

Dominic laughed. “And I’ll go along with whatever you want, babe.”

Already learning. Charlie chuckled. “Me, too. Don’t worry about a thing. We’ve got it covered.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll be the one to question everything.” But Winnie was smiling at the webcam.

Dominic pointed his finger. “We’re counting on it, Mom. Really.” His cheek was pressed tightly against Katri’s. “Anything else for tonight? I’ll get with Evan about being my best man, and we’ll go from there.”

Winnie jotted something in her ever-present notebook. “Fellowship hall for the reception? Or the community center?”

The young couple exchanged a look then Dominic spoke. “Community center, I think, unless it’s booked. Church hall as a backup.”

“There might be other venues, too,” Charlie put in. “Bigger.”

Dominic shrugged. “We don’t need bigger. Either place will hold whomever fits in the church pews. I think it’s fine?”

Charlie nodded. He knew when to zip his mouth, but on the inside, he just wanted to give Katri the most lavish day he could dream up. There might be other ways. A horse and buggy to and from the church, maybe. He’d keep his thinking cap on.

“Thanks, Mom. Charlie.” Dominic nodded at the camera.

“Yes, we really appreciate it. Sorry we have to run.” Katri waved then the screen blanked.

Winnie tapped to close the call and flipped her laptop closed. “Well, that’s a beginning, I guess.”

“It is.” Charlie glanced around. Landon had left the room behind his brother. The boys had even cleaned up their mess without being nagged. They’d had some good parenting.

“Would you like a pumpkin cranberry muffin? I made a batch earlier today.”

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