Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,11

He didn’t know… and was afraid to find out.

Chapter Five

Charlie leaned back in his chair and looked around the dinner table, still graced with bowls and platters, mostly empty now. Eight people had talked, laughed, and stuffed themselves with an amazing amount of scrumptious food. He couldn’t remember when he’d eaten so much.

At the other end of the table, Winnie stood and reached for an empty serving bowl, but her daughter — Brittany, right? — touched her hand. “Leave it for a bit, Mom. In fact, why don’t we all go for a walk down to the river and clean up when we get back? Then we’ll be ready for dessert.”

“But—” Winnie glanced over the table.

“Seriously, Mom. She’s right.” The other daughter — Gabriella? — surged to her feet. “We’ll clear this up in no time, but I’m stuffed.” She dragged out the word until her mother gave a little smile.

Should he offer to stay and help Winnie while the kids went out? But, no. Her daughters were willing to help. He shouldn’t upset the family dynamic.

“How about a compromise?” Winnie looked between her girls. “Leftovers into the fridge first. Then we can do the rest of the cleanup afterward.”

“Deal!” Brittany reached for two bowls. “Landon, do your bit. Let’s go.”

The older of the teen boys rolled his eyes but grabbed the half-empty turkey platter. In no time Winnie’s kids were clearing the leftovers off the table.

Charlie watched, bemused. This so would never have happened in his and Julia’s home, but they wouldn’t have expected it of Evie and Katri, either. The caterers would have taken care of everything. Julia had been an indifferent cook. Probably still was, but who really knew?

“Mr. Jalonen?” Dominic stood beside Charlie’s chair, shifting from one foot to the other. “May I speak with you for a minute?” He glanced through the arch to the kitchen. “In the other room.”

“Call me Charlie.” He pulled to his feet and followed the young man, unable to wipe the smirk off his face. There was really only one reason the kid would be this nervous, right? Charlie should give him a rough time. Nah, maybe not. Instead, he should just thank the good Lord that Dominic had been raised this well.

Dominic stood by the picture window in the living room then straightened his shoulders and looked Charlie in the eye.

Charlie liked the boy already.

“Sir, I’m in love with your daughter. I know you don’t know me well — at all, really — but I’m hoping you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt. I want to marry her, sir, and I’m hoping you’ll give us your blessing.” He took a deep breath. “Will you?”

Charlie swallowed a lump in his throat. “Yeah. You seem to come from good stock. You know my marriage with Katri’s mother ended badly, but you kids can do better. You’ve got the Lord on your side.”

Relief shone from the lad’s face. “My parents’ marriage was the greatest. Really. I don’t know if Katri told you, but my dad died a couple of years ago. He was driving home from work when a drunk driver blasted through a stop sign and T-boned his work truck. He was in the ICU for a week before he passed. Never regained consciousness.”

“I’m so sorry, son. Is that when you decided to go into med — no, I guess you were already well on your way.”

“You’re right. I was already there. But it’s a major reason I’m going into emergency care. The ER staff at Deaconess did everything they could for my dad. They were amazing. Quick-thinking, efficient, compassionate. It wasn’t their fault his injuries were too severe.”

How had they gone from Dominic’s desire to marry Katri to his father’s death? But this answered a few things Charlie needed to know going forward.


What was he thinking, going forward? He’d messed up life with Julia big time. He wasn’t going to stick himself out there again so another woman could take a whack at his ego. Especially not one who already knew what marriage to a perfect man was like. She’d see through him in two seconds. Probably already had.

“Are you guys ready?”

Charlie turned to see Winnie standing in the foyer. She glanced at him as the young people crowded behind her, laughing and talking. Katri was between Dominic’s sisters, but her face lit up when she saw her boyfriend. If she thought anything of the two of them chatting together off to the side, it didn’t show on her Copyright 2016 - 2024