Buzz Off - By Hannah Reed Page 0,66

from attacking me? I had arrived without a protection plan in mind. “My sister knows I came out to talk to you,” I stammered. “Carrie Ann knows, too. That I’m here. I better get back to The Wild Clover.”

Grace didn’t move. She watched me walk back to my truck, scoot in, and leave for what I assumed would be the last time.

On the way back, I was more convinced than ever that Grace had killed Manny. She had the means and opportunity—she could’ve turned on the bee blower, released the yellow jackets she had trapped in their nest, then run to the house and locked the door, leaving Manny to die an agonizing, venomous death. Why? Because she thought she would spend the rest of her life with that snake Clay, that’s why. And when she saw him with Faye she went buzz-erk with rage and killed the girlfriend. Getting rid of me, the ex-wife, and thus a potential threat to her future would have been easy if her plan to frame me had worked out. Unfortunately for her, things went wrong, and Johnny Jay had arrested Clay instead.

How did she feel now?

And all along I thought Grace was a meek and mild woman with a simple case of low self-esteem.

I’d underestimated her.


Ray Goodwin’s delivery truck arrived at the market right behind Trent and Brent Craig, who reported for work at three o’clock on the dot. For the time being, I put aside my visions of death and intrigue.

Holly headed for her red Jag while I stood out in back, surveying the unloading. “Hunter called for you,” she said. “Twice. He said it was important. My man Max is home tonight, then he’s leaving again tomorrow on another business trip. We’re going out to dinner.” She giggled like a new bride. “Then we might try some of that water that’s making the rest of this town so sex-minded.”

“Very funny,” I replied before turning my attention to Ray, who looked neater than usual. He wore clean jeans and had shaved nice and close, a rarity for him. “New woman in your life?” I asked him.

He gave me a Mona Lisa smile. “Maybe. Why? What gave me away?”

“I can just tell, is all.” I changed the subject. “I’m still searching for Manny’s bees,” I told him. “Have you seen anything different? Someone with a bunch of new bees? Or a beekeeper with more hives than usual?”

“You’re still on that kick? Besides, from what I hear, nobody wants you raising honeybees in town. Isn’t that why you got rid of yours?”

“Right, yes, but—”

“How about me and you go out together Friday night?”

That stopped me in my tracks. Actually it was more like full impact with a moving train. Ray, apparently, thought I was his new woman. Oh, no. One of the worst things about being single was deflecting unwanted attention without destroying any fragile male egos, and I didn’t want to be the one to reduce Ray’s.

Usually, I had some kind of warning. This one took me totally by surprise.

“Uh, I’m busy Friday, but thanks for asking.” Ray opened his mouth to say something, and I rushed in before he could speak. “The whole weekend I’m busy.”

“Okay, then, I’ll check back with you next week.”

“Okay,” I said. I’d worry about it then. “Thanks for asking.” That was dumb, thanking him, which he would certainly take as encouragement, but I was flustered. “By the way,” I said, “could you stop at Grace’s sometime this week, go into the honey house, and get whatever honey you need to fill orders?”

Ray stared at me like I had two heads. “You mean, go into the sacred honey house by myself?” he asked.

I smiled at that, remembering Manny’s main rule. Most of the time he was easygoing, but this particular one was a requirement. Or else. And that was that no one was allowed in the honey house unless one of us was along. It was Manny Chapman’s territory, and while he was alive I had respected his wishes.

Competition among honey producers was friendly, but as Manny said, not that friendly. “Grace isn’t speaking to me at the moment,” I said, explaining why I was breaking the rule this time. “She might take a shot at me if I do it.”

“Isn’t the honey house always locked up tight?”

“She’ll let you in. Just make sure you let her know that she’s getting all the proceeds from the sales.”

“Aren’t you splitting sales from the business?”

“Not anymore.” I went into the Copyright 2016 - 2024