The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,89

the smoke store. First, however, they had to deal with the Brigantines who would be coming along Tash’s tunnel.

Ambrose said to Geratan, “If we meet them in the tunnel, some will escape and warn the others, and the element of surprise will be lost. We have to wait for them all to come out here, lay a trap for them; none can be allowed to return to the central cavern to warn of our presence.”

He positioned the men in the trees surrounding the tunnel, making sure that the only footprints visible were Tash’s leading off to the south. Then they settled in to wait.

They didn’t have to wait long, as just a few moments later, a long-haired Brigantine, covered in scratches and growling with anger, emerged from the tunnel. His sword wasn’t drawn, and he was clearly not considering he might be surrounded by Pitorian soldiers. Another Brigantine soldier appeared and more joined them. One began looking for tracks, easily finding Tash’s footprints. Soon the Brigantines had gathered together—eight in all—and Ambrose could hear the leader giving orders.

“Hugo, you go back and inform the commander that the rest of us are following the girl. She can only be a short way ahead of us. We’ll be on her by the end of the day, now we’re out of that fucking tunnel.”

Ambrose glanced over to Geratan and gave the signal to attack.

It was brutal and swift. The Brigantines fought to the end, but the end came quickly. Only one of the Demon Troop was wounded, with a cut to his arm. While this was bandaged, Ambrose congratulated the troop on their first victory. But there was no time to waste. Now, finally, the real part of their mission was to begin.

Ambrose knelt on the rim of the hollow, lowered his head, and pushed forward.

He’d almost forgotten how hot it was in the demon world, how strange and red-tinted the light was. However, it was nothing like the demon hollow he’d been in before. There was no room to move. He could hardly fit his shoulders through Tash’s tunnel. He returned to the human world and asked Tash, “Any chance you can make the tunnel a bit bigger? Anlax has lost a bit of weight in the last few days, but he still won’t get his stomach through there.”

“I’ll try,” Tash replied. “If I lead the way, I might be able to widen it as I go.”

Ambrose followed her, curious to see what she did, expecting her to touch the tunnel walls, but she didn’t even need to do that. She spread her arms out wide and the stone walls retreated from them, and as she walked forward, the tunnel widened and the ceiling rose.

Ambrose followed Tash and looked back to check that the rest of the Demon Troop was following. He felt a touch on the bare skin of his hand and heard Geratan’s voice in his mind:

Everyone’s in.

Their pace wasn’t fast—more of a stroll than a march—but it was quicker than trying to squeeze through a narrow tunnel. They walked on and on until the tunnel joined another. Ambrose touched Tash’s arm.

What’s this?

This is my original tunnel. If you go right here, it takes you back to the surface. The way to the left goes down to the central cavern. We’re probably about halfway there.

That’s great, Tash. If you sense anything that feels wrong, stop and tell me.

Ambrose sent the message back up the line to his men that they were halfway to the cavern. They proceeded slowly, Tash still widening the tunnel, but everyone was even more careful about not making a noise.

After a time, Tash stopped and lowered her arms.

Sorry. I’m just a bit tired. I’ve got to concentrate so hard.

That’s fine, Tash. You’re doing brilliantly. Rest if you need to.

Tash nodded and sat down. Ambrose looked back at his men. They too were resting, preparing themselves. They knew the fight wasn’t far ahead.

When she was ready to move again, Ambrose and the Demon Troop rose as one and followed.

Now Ambrose noticed a change in the light—it had a more purple glow. Surely it was coming from the central cavern.

Tash grabbed Ambrose’s arm, her warning loud and clear.

Brigantines! Guarding the way into the cavern.

Ambrose nodded, his heart beating faster as he drew his dagger. Let me get past.

Tash shook her head. There’s too many. Someone will raise the alarm. Back up and I’ll make a new tunnel so we can come out farther down.

Everyone moved backward, calmly and Copyright 2016 - 2024