The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,75

Regan all my life. He’s my closest friend. You’re a thief, and some say a fool, with no loyalties to Calidor. For whatever reason, you’ve taken a dislike to Regan. March has poisoned your mind against him. But that doesn’t excuse stealing from him or accusing him of treason. This is your chance to publicly apologize. At the end of the meal you must do it, or your future is . . . well, I’m not sure what it is.”

Before his coronation, his father had said Edyon’s future was Calidor’s and Calidor’s future was Edyon’s. Now Edyon didn’t seem to have one unless he apologized. Edyon thought back to Madame Eruth’s foretellings, but they didn’t seem to cover this.

Edyon returned to his fish in silence. And without the distraction of conversation, he heard a strange noise. It was coming from above, where the musicians were standing, but it wasn’t a musical sound. He looked up and realized that they were seated beneath a large stone balcony, on which musicians were performing.

Could it be that he’d got the wrong balcony?

Could it be that he and his father weren’t going to be on a balcony as it collapsed, but under it?

He looked across at Regan, who was drinking from his goblet, his eyes on Edyon.

I can’t challenge him again. No one would believe me. I’m not sure I believe me.

Had he even heard a noise? The sounds in the hall were a mix of talk and music.

But then he heard it again.

“Father, I’d like to continue this conversation with you outdoors in private.” Edyon began to stand. He had to get them both out. But then there was an unmistakable crack, and the balcony began to tilt toward Edyon’s head. Cries came from above as the stone began to fall. It was too late—Edyon and his father were trapped below. But Byron leaped onto the table and ran at Edyon as fast as the stone was falling. He launched himself at Edyon, shoving him and Thelonius back to the wall and standing on the table to hold up the falling balcony. There were screams from the musicians above, and Byron shouted for them to get off the balcony.

“I can’t hold it much longer!”

Guards ran up and dragged Thelonius and Edyon to safety, and Byron stepped back. The balcony gave way, and masonry and musical instruments fell, crushing the end of the table under a huge block of stone. A cloud of dust lifted as the noise and shouts continued.

Edyon was gasping for air. He was alive. His father was alive. Incredibly, no one appeared to be harmed. “So that was why you wanted the demon smoke,” he said. “For Byron to take, in case he needed to save us. So you did believe me.”

Thelonius shook his head. “I believe in being prepared.” Covered in gray dust, he bellowed out, “Hold my enemies! Hold Regan, Hunt, and Birtwistle.” And he pushed and scrambled his way over the rubble. There was much shouting from the other side of the dust cloud. By the time Edyon emerged, Thelonius was standing opposite Regan.

“I have done absolutely nothing wrong here,” Regan said. “Thelonius, my friend. Do not let your son poison your mind against me.”

“You haven’t even the honor to admit it!”

“Admit what? The masonry in Birtwistle’s castle is old. The balcony collapsed. I’m grateful that you’re safe.”

Byron shouted from the back of the room. “It collapsed because someone cut into the stone to weaken it. I can see a block has been removed from here.”

More quietly to Thelonius, Regan said, “Even if that is correct, we don’t know who cut into the stone. It could have been anyone.”

“It could have been anyone, but I know that it was you,” Thelonius snapped back. “Hunt and Birtwistle have been against me for a long time, but you, Regan, you have always seemed to be my friend. Well, enough of your lies.”

“My lies? What about your lies?” And he pointed to Edyon. “What about him? Your son.”

“This is not about Edyon.”

“No, you’re right. It’s about your marriage. Or lack of one.”

The silence in the room was palpable now.

“Another lie, Regan. Another lie. No one can trust you.” Thelonius stepped back. “Guards,” he said. “Take Regan to the dungeon.”

Regan drew a dagger from his belt and leaped at the first guard, stabbing him and taking his spear. Regan thrust the spear at Thelonius, who dodged it just in time, as another guard thrust his sword into Regan’s side.

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