The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,55

latest fashion, designing some new silk trousers.”

Davyon turned back, his body rigid with anger. “They’re going to amputate his leg, if you must know.”


The general’s eyes seemed full of pain and anger. Ambrose started to apologize, but Davyon’s gaze had already moved past him, to the entrance of the tent. Ambrose turned and saw Catherine in the doorway, her face ashen.

“Is that true?” she demanded.

Davyon nodded reluctantly. “My apologies, Your Majesty. The king didn’t want you to know until after the operation.”

“Well, I certainly know now.”

The silence seemed to go on. No one moved.

Catherine’s eyes filled with tears, and she turned and left the tent.

Ambrose wanted to curl up in a hole, or rewind time and take his words back. But it was too late. “Davyon, I apologize. I—”

“I’m not interested in your apology,” Davyon seethed. “This isn’t about you, Sir Ambrose. You’re here to discuss the war and to make sure you don’t fail in your mission. Now let’s get on with it.”



Love is madness; love is free; love rarely lasts for eternity.

Pitorian saying

CATHERINE LAY on her bed, holding the bottle of purple smoke to her chest. She wanted to speak to Tzsayn but didn’t know what to say to him. What could she say? Losing a limb would be bad enough, but if the best doctors in Pitoria couldn’t save his leg, there were no guarantees they’d save his life. Why hadn’t he told her?

“Have you used any of that stuff?”

It was Tanya, standing in the doorway, hands on hips.

“Not yet, but I’m going to.” Even if the smoke no longer gave her strength, it might help her forget her misery.

Tanya marched over, saying, “Not if I have anything to do with it,” and she snatched the bottle out of Catherine’s grasp.

“Give that back!” Catherine sat up and held her hand out.

Tanya didn’t move.

“That’s an order.”

“No,” Tanya replied, holding the bottle out of reach. “And that’s a refusal.”

“Shall I call the guards and have them take it from you?”

“Well, as you’re the queen and I’m merely the dresser, you could do that.”

Catherine was half-tempted just to show Tanya . . . but show her what? She flopped back on the bed. “Please leave me alone.”

“Can’t oblige you there either, Your Majesty. I’ve spoken to Davyon.”

“Good for you.”

“And Savage.”

Catherine tensed. Did she want to know what the doctor had said? Was there worse news? She raised her head. “What did he say?”

“They’ve only just decided to amputate. It’s the only route to take—medically, I mean. As you were due to go to the coast to see the Calidorian ships, Tzsayn wanted it done while you were away. He wanted to save you from distress.”

“Well, it hasn’t saved me from anything.”

“No, but it might save the king some distress if he thought you still didn’t know.”

Catherine’s eyes filled with tears. “So I’m supposed to go off to look at some boats and hope my husband is still alive when I get back?”

Tanya raised an eyebrow. “Your what?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Whatever Tzsayn is to you, at this moment he’s trying to save you some pain. I’m sure he’s feeling helpless and wants to have some control over something in his life.”

Catherine thought Tanya was right. But she was still hurt and angry. “Just last week he talked to me about being honest. Ha!”

She thought back to that conversation and then to their most recent one. He’d not pushed her for a marriage decision and even said she could have more time. More time until after his operation. “He . . . he knows he may not survive.” Catherine looked at Tanya, tears in her eyes.

“I can’t imagine he wants to lie to you, but he’s trying to do what he thinks is best. He cares for you very much.”

“And I care for him.”

“Enough to play along with his plan?”

“I don’t know.” Catherine was due to leave for the coast the following day. She’d be gone for three nights. Davyon would be here with Tzsayn. He was Tzsayn’s closest friend and companion and would be at his side. Still, it felt like she was being pushed out. “Davyon will be with him and I’ll be looking at ships.” She felt it should be the other way round—she wanted it to be the other way round.

“Savage says the operation will take some time, and the king will be given a sleeping potion,” Tanya said cautiously. “He’ll not wake at all for over a day. Then they’ll keep him sedated until the Copyright 2016 - 2024