The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,126

it. And I want to haunt the world. Will you wander it with me?”

March nodded. “Gladly. Forever.”

“We’ll live in Abask. In the hills, by a river. You and I, at peace at last.”

“At peace at last,” March echoed. “I love you now and always will, Edyon.”

Edyon embraced March and kissed his cheek, but they were pulled apart. The Lions around him jeered, but Edyon hardly noticed. He focused on March, looking at him for the last time.

They were taken up to the large castle terrace, where the strange metal contraptions were lined up in a symmetrical fashion. There seemed to be a choice of execution methods—both slow and fast—though Edyon did not expect that he would be the one to make the choice. From the outside of the line, moving in, there were two methods of crucifixion, one on a T-shaped cross and one X-shaped, then a human-shaped cage hanging from a chain, then the two huge black, metal contraptions, and, in front of them, two boxes for beheadings, then farther along, another human-shaped cage, and X- and T-shaped crosses.

Edyon was taken to one of the large metal contraptions and tied to it, his arms outspread. March was taken to the block in front of him to be beheaded. Rashford was taken to the machine next to Edyon, and, in front of him at the other beheading block, was Broderick. The others were taken to the other crosses and cages.

Edyon, however, was wrong about being center stage. Harold, of course, wanted that position, and he now came forward and stood before them to address the crowd below. The people were mostly townsfolk, and none looked too jubilant to be there. Indeed, they looked miserable and were mostly silent. Edyon noticed that the gateways to the square were guarded by boys.

“People of Calia. Loyal boys of the boys’ brigades. This afternoon we have a spectacle for you.” Harold spread his arms out as if displaying his wares. “These are our enemies. They are traitors and villains. They have betrayed me. They will pay with their lives, and give us some entertainment as small recompense in the process. Their bodies will be displayed as a warning to anyone who thinks of opposing me. I am here as your future king. I am here to show you my power and my strength. Enjoy your entertainment.”

There were cheers from a few boys and one or two townsfolk, but mostly there was stillness and silence.

And so the work began on Harold’s display, starting from the outside in. The two farthest prisoners, Kellen and Fitz, were pushed into position, each held by two Lion boys and nailed by a third to their crosses. The prisoners screamed and Kellen kicked out, but it didn’t take long for them both to go quiet.

Edyon tried not to think of the nails going through their flesh. At least his death would be faster than theirs—though, as he looked at the contraption to which he was attached, he wasn’t sure how he was going to die. He couldn’t move, but at least he was chained, not nailed, into position.

The next boys were nailed to their crosses, and then the boys were put in the man-shaped cages. All of them had metal helmets put on them that inserted something into their mouths. And as they breathed and panted, the noises were turned into whistles of different pitches.

Edyon tried to block it out. He looked at the blue sky and thought of his mother, and then he looked at March. But now they were coming to March and Broderick, who were forced into position. Broderick had gone limp and had wet himself, and the executioners kicked him and cursed him.

A metal helmet was put on Edyon’s head, his mouth forced open, and a round metal tube forced in. As he breathed out, the high-pitched whistle hurt his ears.

Harold walked along the terrace and swayed to the whistles coming from the boys’ mouths as if to music, though in truth it was just an awful noise that not even the strangest, saddest birds would ever make.

Edyon looked at March’s back as he bent forward, his head on the block.

I love you. I love you always and always will.

Tears ran down Edyon’s cheek as he closed his eyes.

At least March will die quickly.

There was a scream. And another.

Edyon didn’t know what was happening. He didn’t want to know. He kept his eyes closed.

It’ll be over soon.

The whistling around him grew more frantic. He heard a Copyright 2016 - 2024