The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,119

But do you really think that if you save her, your precious queen will realize that your love is the one she needs?

Just get moving. Ambrose pushed Frost forward. Tash is going to make us a new tunnel.

We could use a tunnel I know that comes out in the south. That’s where you want to be, isn’t it?

I do. But no doubt your tunnel will come out among a lot of Brigantines.

Frost smiled wickedly. Just a small post. Ten guards.

Ambrose was tempted. It would be faster—if it was true. We’ll go along it most of the way. Then Tash can take us up to the surface nearby.

Frost’s smile wavered. Oh, how lucky we are to have her.

She led the way up several ramps, ducked into a low tunnel, and immediately sped up. Ambrose grabbed her and held her back. You’re not running off.

I was only stretching my legs. I won’t run away and leave you. This is far, far more interesting. I really want to see your face when I tell you what’s going to happen.

Just get behind me and stay there.

Ambrose pushed Frost back between him and Tash and set off. The tunnel was narrow but straight, and he ran at a gentle pace. They might have to do this all day. Eventually Ambrose had to slow to a walk, though Tash looked like she could run forever.

How much farther? he asked Frost.

Not far now.

At last the tunnel began to head upward, sloping so steeply that Ambrose’s boots began to slip. The tunnel walls were too smooth to offer any handholds, so he braced his arms against them while forcing his way up the incline. A screeching howl came from up ahead.

A demon? he asked.

Yes, it’s in a cage at the end of the tunnel. Nice and safe. Frost’s voice was matter-of-fact.

Tash’s eyes flashed angrily, and she pushed Frost into the tunnel wall. You’re the demons, not them.

Ambrose separated the two girls. Calm down. We need to be quiet and get on with our task. Don’t let her get you angry, Tash.

I wasn’t.

Ha! Pea-Brain just loves her demon friends.

Ignore her, Tash. I need you to tunnel us to the surface from here. We need to come up far enough away from the entrance to this tunnel so the guards can’t see or hear us. Can you do that?

Tash leaned forward into Frost’s face and said, Easy.

Ambrose sighed with relief when Tash took her hands from Frost and put them on the tunnel wall. Instantly the stone began to move back. Tash stepped forward, and a new tunnel formed in front of her.

Slowly but surely, they moved along, climbing upward until they broke out of the demon world and into the human one.

Ambrose held Frost back. Stay close to me. I don’t want you running off without completing your part of the bargain.

He kept a tight hold on Frost’s wrist as he climbed up the slope. The glare of bright sunlight blinded him for a moment as the cold air of the human world hit him. Frost twisted her hand, and Ambrose pulled her close and put his hand over her mouth. He hissed at her, “Scream and I’ll break your neck.”

Frost looked up with her huge silver eyes and blinked as innocently as a child.

Tash came over and spoke quietly: “We should be safe here. The Brigantines shouldn’t be able to hear us.”

“Perhaps not, but I’d rather not risk it.”

As Ambrose took his hand from Frost’s mouth, he drew his dagger, which he held to her throat, saying, “Now tell me what you know.”

Frost began to speak, her voice as sickly sweet as it had been in Ambrose’s head.

“You’ve noticed, I’m sure, that the demon world is sealing up. The tunnels to the surface are closing, and the central cavern itself is shrinking. And yet the core of smoke is getting bigger—a lot bigger since you released the smoke from the cage. And it’s hotter too. More smoke, more heat, and less space. The demons are making it happen.”

Ambrose nodded. “Tash told me they were returning to the core. But why?”

“It’s as if they’ve given up fighting and are killing themselves,” Tash said miserably.

Frost scoffed. “They don’t see it as killing themselves—they see it as fueling the change. They don’t consider themselves individuals. Not like you and I would. They see themselves as part of the one spirit—the one smoke. They are smoke people, made of smoke that can re-form, move, create new smoke people—and new worlds.”

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