The Burning Kingdoms - Sally Green Page 0,115

am. And I wish to make a display of those I’ve defeated. It’s good that you look like your father. Your execution will go ahead after you’ve told me more about my sister’s exploits. But first I want a bath.” And, with that, Harold walked out, shouting, “March, don’t hang back. Get me a bath. Now.”

March hesitated, gazing at Edyon, before following Harold out.

Edyon looked at Broderick and said, “My head will be chopped off, my undernourished body put on display, but I’ll still come to you in your dreams and scream at you.”

Broderick put his fingers in his ears and muttered, “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up,” as he kicked Edyon.

* * *

• • •

Much later that day, when the sky was darkening to night, Harold returned to sit on the throne and hear from his boys. Edyon listened to the reports and proceedings from his corner. There were a lot of complaints, as there was little food and no one to cook it. The castle stank, and flies swarmed in the kitchens.

Harold dismissed the complaints with an irritated wave of his hand. “I’m a prince. I’m not interested in this talk. What, do you expect me to clean up your mess?” He was cheered up when someone brought news that the strong room had been forced open and Thelonius’s treasure found.

Harold disappeared for a time to look at his new wealth, then returned carrying a golden goblet and giving instructions about guarding the strong room. “A boy from each brigade to guard it, two from my Gold Brigade as well,” he said. He clearly trusted no one. But still, he was in a better mood than earlier. As March filled Harold’s goblet with wine, Edyon was finally dragged forward and made to kneel at Harold’s feet.

“Prince Edyon, tell me more of what goes on in Pitoria with my sister.”

“Well, Your Highness, let me think where to begin. So much has happened.” Edyon wondered if he could talk forever and thus delay his execution. “When I was in Pitoria just weeks ago, Princess Catherine had been made Queen Apparent. She had married Tzsayn in Rossarb, before the castle fell. That’s where I first met her. I’d been arrested and was in a cell. It’s a complex story. But anyway, Tzsayn and Catherine were there. A happy couple, I believe.”

“I met Tzsayn. He’s handsome on one side, ugly as sin on the other. Interesting man, though. I met him when my father was keeping him in chains.” Harold looked closer at Edyon as if assessing something. “You’re very different and yet . . . you’re like Tzsayn in one way.”

“A good way, I hope.”

“You’re . . . civilized.” Harold frowned as if not sure that was right. “No, perhaps not that . . .”

“Perhaps it’s just that we both expect to die.”

“Perhaps it’s because there’s a part of you that expects to live.” Harold laughed. “But you won’t.”

“Though Tzsayn did.”

At this, Harold frowned, but then he shrugged. “His days are numbered. Pitoria will fall soon enough.” And Harold couldn’t resist preening. “I have conquered Calia. I’m the youngest warrior to take this country or any other. I succeeded in a few days with what my father couldn’t do in years. Pitoria will be next, and then Savaant and Illast. The world lies open before me; all I have to do it take it.”

“And what will happen here in Calia while you are conquering the world?”

“I imagine my father will rule it—with an iron fist. And I will rule after him.”

Edyon nodded. The world would be Harold’s in a short time. It would not be Edyon’s for much longer.

But what of March? He was standing to Harold’s side, though Edyon could see he hated being there. Edyon knew that March would not leave him. He’d stayed with Edyon through all his trials, and, for good or ill, would be near him for this final one. And this gave him courage, made him want to do something rather than just give up.

He almost felt sorry for Broderick as he said, “And will you take all these boys with you on your conquests? Even those who would steal from you?”

“No one steals from me.”

“Ah, so the boys have been looting the castle with your permission, I assume? Broderick sits on that very throne when you’re not here, wearing one of my shirts, playing with a coin he’s bragged about taking from Thelonius’s strongbox.”

Broderick was standing to the side, and his mouth opened and Copyright 2016 - 2024