Burn Bright - By Marianne de Pierres Page 0,26

said. ‘They’re supposed to be like that.’

‘They feel strange,’ she said.

‘Sexy,’ giggled Krista-belle. ‘You’d better watch out.’

Retra wondered if Markes would like them then chided herself for such a shallow thought. Joel was the most important thing in her life. She had to find him and then … and then what? Persuade him to leave Ixion. They would go somewhere else, together. Not Grave, but one of the places that Charlonge had spoken about. ‘I’m ready,’ she said.

The refectory was crowded with newbies and White Wings. A glance at Charlonge standing over by the servery with her hands clasped tight told Retra that the Vank supervisor was tense. She was staring at Kero, who sat with his feet up on a table, talking to a couple of Wings – boys, older than Retra.

Krista-belle took Retra’s hand and led her through the table-maze to her boyfriend. Suki trailed behind them and Retra sensed her reluctance. From what Suki had said, she was used to fighting, and men kept to their place in her province. Here, things were different.

‘Kero, look!’ said Krista-belle. She pulled Retra forward. ‘She’s okay.’

Kero nodded at one of the empty chairs. ‘Siddown, girls.’

Retra perched on the edge of a chair, uncomfortable with the attention the whole refectory was giving them, including Charlonge.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Kero mumbled, ‘Glad you’re okay.’

‘Thank you,’ she answered.

‘So … like I said before in the club … what you did for Krissie was … well … ballsy. Normally we don’t take Seals in the Wings but you can join us if you want.’ He flicked a glance to Suki, who was standing behind Retra. ‘Her too.’

‘Don’t do me any favours,’ said Suki, sulkily.

Kero shrugged. ‘Suit yourself.’

Retra practised her answer in her head a couple of times before she spoke. She wanted her voice steady and Kero made her nervous. She knew her expression would be calm, at least. Seals knew how to do that.

‘Your offer is kind but I don’t want to join anyone. There is something, though …’ She hesitated. ‘Can we talk about it … alone?’

Kero slid his feet down and sprawled forwards, elbows on the table. ‘Go mingle, lads,’ he told the other guys.

His gangers got up and left, making rude signs to him behind their hands, so the girls couldn’t see, as they walked away. Kero laughed.

Krista-belle sat down next to him, but Suki stayed where she was, behind Retra’s shoulder, hands on hips.

‘Spit it out,’ said Kero.

‘I’m looking for someone called Joel. He’s tall and thin with brown hair. He came here nearly a year ago.’

Krista-belle clapped her hands. ‘You’re in love! Like me and Kero!’

‘Krissie,’ growled Kero in warning.

Krista-belle licked her lips and made a kissing noise.

Kero gave her a fierce frown but Krista-belle just kept on grinning.

Retra could feel Suki trembling behind her. She glanced over her shoulder. The girl was trying not to laugh.

‘He’s not my b-boyfriend,’ said Retra. ‘But I want to … I must find him.’

Kero chewed his lip for a moment. ‘There’re more than a thousand of us on Ixion. Chance is he’s changed his name. Most do. Might not look the same anymore, either. He might have even been withdrawn. Happens all the time.’

‘No!’ Retra reared up from her chair.

‘Whoa. Settle,’ said Kero, tilting back in his seat. ‘Can you tell me anything else about him?’

Retra took a breath and thought for a moment. ‘He speaks his mind. He’s not afraid. Not like most Seals.’ Not like me. Unbidden tears stung the back of her eyes. I must not cry. Not in front of these people.

If Kero saw her emotion, he didn’t react.

Krista-belle clasped her hand again. ‘You’re plenty strong-willed,’ she said. ‘You smacked out a Riper to help me. Most of the guys on Ixion wouldn’t have the guts to do that.’

Kero glowered at her this time, but Krista-belle didn’t seem to be the kind of person to worry too much about quelling looks. Her bright eyes were riveted upon Retra with unmistakable admiration and gratitude.

Retra’s discomfort deepened. She wanted to be free of this conversation and the sparring between Kero and Krista-belle. ‘Can you help me find Joel?’

Kero shrugged; his favourite gesture.

Retra counted several breaths then got up to leave.

‘Wait,’ he said. ‘Look, no promises but … can you keep something to yourselves?’

Retra waited.

‘There’s a meeting of the gangs right after the next Early-Eve. It’s real important that the Ripers don’t find out about it.’

‘When’s Early-Eve? I’ve heard of it but no one has explained.’


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