Buried Secrets - Calle J. Brookes Page 0,63

he’s doing with this team.”

“By?” Miranda had her suspicions.

“Director Dennis. He really wants Knight to take over this new division. He’s supposedly really good at ferreting out information about the past. Director Dennis is just afraid that the history between Dr. Knight and PAVAD, especially that with the Brockmans, will be a problem.”

Miranda thought for a moment. “I think he’s having some struggles. I think he’s having headaches, for one thing. He mentioned it in passing before. I know bright lights can trigger them. As for his relationship with the Brockmans—I’m not about to touch that with a ten-foot pole. But…he knows his stuff. I think he’s doing ok, Care. I really do—”

“Look out!” Carrie yelled.

Miranda looked back at the road, just as a WSP patrol car swerved over the yellow line.

She jerked the wheel to the right, sending the borrowed truck onto the shoulder. Two feet from the guardrail and the sheer drop next to it. Wreck Curve Road was the worst, most dangerous road in the county. There were said to be ghosts there, too.

The patrol car sped off into the distance, just leaving them there. He hadn’t even slowed down.

Miranda pulled in a deep breath and killed the engine. “You ok, Carrie?”

The other woman gripped the handle of the door tightly, but Carrie seemed ok. “I’ve been ran off the road before, but never by a patrol car.”

Miranda’s mind ran over what had happened in the few seconds before the truck had gone onto the shoulder. “Yeah. He was in our lane.”


“Did you get any identifying details?”

“Checked the plate number when he went by. Got half. Got half.” Carrie rattled it off quickly, then took a few deep breaths.

“We’ll check in with Clint after a while. His house is just a mile or so down that road there. He might know what squad car would be out around here this time of day. Because there was no reason that should have happened. I’m going to get out, check the truck.”

“I’ll go with you.”

They checked as quickly as they could. Miranda had been afraid they’d popped one of the tires—it had made a nasty sound when she’d jerked it over the pavement. But they’d gotten lucky. “I think we’re good.”

Carrie’s hand wrapped around Miranda’s arm, and she pointed. Miranda heard it before seeing it.

A baby was crying from somewhere nearby. Loudly.

A woman came around the curve, stumbling and crying—holding a wailing infant in her arms, tucked close to her chest. Little arms and legs flailed everywhere from a baby Miranda had no trouble recognizing.

It was the blood that Miranda would never forget.


Miranda stared at the redheaded woman who’d been Dusty’s best friend from about the first day they’d entered kindergarten together. And that was definitely Clint’s baby in her arms. “Maggie! What happened?”

“I…” There was blood on Maggie. Her blue eyes were wide, and Miranda had no difficulty recognizing shock setting in. “He…shot the house.”

“Who shot the house?” Carrie Lorcan asked, stepping closer, her hand wrapped tightly around her phone. She’d been just about to call Jac and report the incident to the rest of the team, as per PAVAD protocol. “Is your baby ok?”

“That’s Clint Gunderson’s daughter,” Miranda told the other agent quickly. Miranda’s weapon was drawn, and she put herself between Maggie and the direction she’d come from. Just in case.

“She’s…not my baby. But… I’m the nanny. The housekeeper.”

“Ok,” Carrie said quietly. “Can you tell us what happened? Is Clint around?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. He was…we were waiting for him to get home. He called and said he’d be coming home soon. For lunch. On his way somewhere. I needed to talk to him. To tell him…and then the car came. The WSP.”

Miranda stepped into Maggie’s path, tucking her weapon back in her holster—but not fastening the strap. “Maggie, look at me. Right now.”

Blue eyes met hers.

Miranda used to babysit for Maggie when she’d been fourteen and Maggie five years younger. Maggie had been in and out of her home for years, always tagging along with Dusty. “Mags, you are safe. You’re safe. Carrie and I—we’re not going to let anyone hurt you.”

Tears flooded Maggie’s eyes. “I…Randi, I…Clint told me not to trust the WSP. It’s corrupted. He’s trying to find out who, but I think…it was the WSP!”

Miranda wrapped her arms around the baby and pulled Violet out of Maggie’s arms. The baby was crying, no doubt sensing the fear that surrounded Maggie. “You’re safe. You are both safe now.”


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