The Burglar on the Prowl - By Lawrence Block Page 0,45

hope that you won’t object, and the certain knowledge that he won’t.

And he was fat, all right. You see people who are uncomfortable in their fatness, as though all this extra weight just happened to them while they were thinking of something else, and now that they’ve got it they don’t know what to do with it. Well, he wasn’t like that. One look at him, the way he held himself, the way he moved, and you somehow knew he’d been fat all his life, a fat baby who’d blossomed into a fat little boy, gone through the awkward years as a fat teenager, and emerged at last as a fat grownup. He didn’t have one of those pot bellies that look as though you’re trying to smuggle a beach ball through Customs, didn’t have skinny arms and legs sticking out of a fat torso like a potato imbedded with toothpicks. No, he was fat all over, and I got the feeling it was fine with him.

He was wearing a blue suit, and if it hadn’t been made to measure then it had at the very least been tailored to fit him, and by a tailor who knew what he was doing. It didn’t make him look thin, nothing could have, but it did make him look fit and natty and prosperous, and what more can you ask of a few yards of wool?

His shirt was white, with a spread collar, and his tie was this year’s width, with regimental stripes of navy and scarlet. I can’t tell you about his shoes because I didn’t notice them when he walked in, and by the time I looked him over he was standing too close to the counter for his feet to show. But I’ll bet they were good shoes. I’ve never yet known a fat man who didn’t spend good money on shoes, and put a lot of care into their selection.

“Mr. Rhodenbarr,” he said, making it not a statement but not quite a question, either. When I nodded, confirming his identification, he gave me a smile that showed a lot of teeth. They were perfectly white and perfectly even, so much so that one could hardly avoid the suspicion that they were not perfectly real. But then you could have said much the same thing about the smile.

“A pleasure,” he said firmly, and stuck out his hand, which, it will not surprise you to learn, was fleshy. I shook his hand. If there’s a way to avoid shaking a hand that’s thrust at me, I’ve yet to figure it out, and I always wind up taking the proffered hand before I have time to wonder whether or not it’s something I really want to do. In this case, though, I was perfectly willing to shake hands with the man. He was probably a customer, and even if he wasn’t he was cheerful and pleased to see me, so why would I want to leave him standing there with his arm hanging out?

While we were shaking hands, Raffles seized the moment to leap down from his spot in my sunny window and come over to the counter, where he began circling the fat man’s feet, rubbing against his ankles in the process. He goes through this routine with me when I open up in the morning, it’s his way of letting me know he wants to be fed, as though it would never occur to me without this daily reminder. But he’d been fed already today, and couldn’t logically expect a stranger, however well-fed himself, to do the honors.

This would have been a good time for me to check out his shoes, while I was looking down to watch Raffles polish them, but I was too busy noting the cat’s uncharacteristic behavior to notice what he was rubbing up against. Anyway, I’ll bet they were expensive shoes, and that he had a dozen pairs every bit as good in his closet.

He released my hand and looked down at Raffles. “A pussy cat!” he cried, with evident delight. “I love pussy cats. But what happened to his tail?”

“He was born without it,” I said, wondering if I was telling the truth. “He’s a Manx.”

“Ah, of course. From the Isle of Man.”

“Well, not personally—or do I mean cattily? His forebears were from Man, but Raffles was born right here in New York.”

“I love pussy cats,” he said once more, and demonstrated his affection by reaching down to give Raffles a little scratch Copyright 2016 - 2024