Bully King - J.A. Huss Page 0,89

very least you’re just like them. Just like your father. Just like mine. You knew the second challenge was a trade. If the boys aren’t happy”—she throws up her arms—“then they get to trade us. Find a better, more compliant girl. You could’ve at least warned Michael so he could’ve brought enough money to keep his girlfriend from being sold to the devil.”

“You knew too, Isabella. And so did you.” I point to Valentina and Selina. “We all knew. So any one of you could’ve warned him too. But we didn’t. Because we…”

“You didn’t because you all underestimated me.” Now we turn to Dante. “You’re no King, Cooper. I don’t even know why you bother pretending. You don’t even want to be here. You should be the one to go home.” He looks at us. All of us. And even though I knew he was evil from the very start, he’s not even trying to hide it now. He takes a step forward towards me. Leans in a little, like we’re about to share a secret. “And make no mistake. I hold grudges, Cooper Valcourt. You think you put one over on me when you sent Cadee to my house with bodyguards? You didn’t. I was planning the minute I saw your little girlfriend had joined the party. I planned this, Cooper. And make no mistake, my game is far from over.”

He turns, his gaze wandering over the crowd until it lands on Sophie. “Come on, Sophie. We’re gonna have some fun together today, girl. Where’s that Fugling?” He looks over his shoulder at me. And I swear to God, I think I see a glint of red in his eyes when he smiles with satisfaction. Like he really is the devil. “My father told the Chairman all about how Cadee Hunter was shirking her duties and the staff was pissed. He’s going to take it all away if she doesn’t spend the next six weeks doing exactly what she’s told.” He turns back to Sophie. “I’m gonna go find the Fugling. You just concentrate on putting your bikini on for me.”

“I don’t have a bikini!” Sophie objects.

“Oh, you do now, Sophie. I brought one especially for you.”

Fuck. I run my fingers through my hair and spin around, seeking out Lars. He’s off to the side now, his arms folded across his chest. Don’t look at me, that’s what he’s saying. Your deal, dude.

I turn back to Dante. But he’s gone. Already heading towards the Glass House to presumably start making Cadee’s life miserable too.

“OK,” Ax says. “That’s enough. No one is getting hurt on our watch, you got it?” He’s looking at Sophie. “If I need to break into his house every night to make sure you’re safe, I will.”

Sophie is crying in a weird way. Not sobbing. Tears, for sure. Her face is wet and she’s breathing fast and heavy, but no noise is coming out of her mouth. She nods at him and wipes her face with the back of her hand. “OK.”

“Yeah?” Ax asks. “You’re good? Just… put on the bathing suit, Sophie. Then do what he says. Only say no if he hits a hard line.”

She hiccups a little. Probably imagining all the various hard lines she has.

“OK, then. Go change. He has to hang out here every day from nine to five, Sophie. You’re gonna be fine. I promise.” Then he looks at Michael. “It’s only two weeks. Then… we buy her back. All of us, if necessary. He’s doing this to divide us. We’re not going to let him do that.”

Michael looks over at Sophie, then back at Ax. “We’ll buy her back?”

“No matter what it takes,” I tell Michael, thankful that Ax is here standing in for Lars as the voice of reason. Because Lars sure as fuck isn’t doing anything.

Michael nods, placated for now. The idea that we can buy her back is a good one. He walks off after Sophie, talking softly to her as they go.

“Well, this is a fucking shit show,” Isabella says.

“Yeah, thanks for your support, by the way. I really don’t appreciate you fanning the fucking flames, Isabella.”

She looks at me with… what? What is that look? It’s not hate. It’s not loathing.

It’s… disappointment. I recognize it. My father shoots me that same look all the time.

“I’m doing my best, Isabella. We will protect her.”

She just…stares at me. Finally, Selina and Valentina step in and lead her away, talking about bathing suits and a nice day

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