Bully King - J.A. Huss Page 0,86

wants to walk away. “He didn’t used to get jealous.”

“Yeah, he did.”

“What? No, he didn’t.”

“Cadee. Come on. Maybe you didn’t see him when I was with you, but I was always watching him watch us.”

I frown. “But… it was his idea.”

“Yeah, well.” Ax sighs. “Sometimes things change.” Then he carefully pulls my arms from around his waist and backs up, creating distance between us again. He keeps backing up. Like he’s afraid to take his eyes off me. “I think this is it, Cadee.”

“This is what?”

“Goodbye, ya know? It was fun. And I do like you. I’ll always be there for you. But…” He shrugs. “All good things must end.”

Then he salutes me, turns away, and walks down the hallway towards my old room.

The next morning, I have a feeling. I can’t explain this feeling and maybe it’s just about Ax’s midnight goodbye, but something seems wrong.

Cooper and I get ready separately, and even though I know I should bring Ax and Lars up, I don’t. Not because I don’t want to, but because my mind is stuck on those scars on Ax’s back and the burns on his chest.

I don’t know what to say. I just feel with all my heart that something needs to be said and I feel guilty for not saying more. Ax might not be everyone’s dream man, but he’s got a soul inside him. He feels things deeply. He just doesn’t show many people that side of himself.

Valentina sees it though. She stuck up for him.

And this leads me down a rabbit hole of questions about Ax and Valentina. I’ve seen them together lots of times. Ax is a toucher, so I’ve seen them close. But aside from that kiss during day one of rush, I have never seen them together as a couple.

And even though Valentina didn’t hint that they are a couple, she pretty much stated outright that they are partners. At least in the society.

Lars and Selina don’t kiss, but now that I think about it, they do hang out a lot. Maybe hang out is the wrong word. They… gravitate to each other.

And of course, Cooper and Isabella are a thing. Just not an exclusive thing. She’s not jealous of me, that’s for sure. She hasn’t made a single derogatory remark for weeks. So she’s not in love with him. And he’s certainly not in love with her.

But there’s something there.

Cooper doesn’t notice my distraction this morning. He smiles, he talks, he opens doors and lets me walk through first. But something is definitely on his mind too.

“Wait,” I say, pulling Cooper back to me before we leave the woods. “What do I do today?”

“Just…” He stares down at me. And his deeply disturbed eyes have a look of concern. “Stay away from Dante. Help in the kitchen, I guess. I don’t care, Cadee. You can just hang out in the cabañas if you want. I don’t think anyone is going to mess with you. Do you?”

“No. I don’t think that.” Then I shrug. “OK, then. Good luck with the challenge. I’m going to go help in the kitchen.”

He smiles, then leans down to kiss me. It’s not a make-out kiss or anything. Nothing spectacular. It’s just very… natural. Like kissing each other goodbye in the morning before work is something we do. “Thanks. We’ll talk later.” And then he walks off towards the pool, where Lars is hanging out in a group with Michael and Jamie and I go inside the Glass House and make my way to the kitchen.

“Well, look who it is.”

I find Victor’s face as I’m searching for an apron in the locker room. “Hey. How’s it going?”

He folds his arms and leans against the door. “Didn’t expect you back.”

“Why’s that? I’m here for the summer just like you.”

“Yeah, and you’re certainly not going to walk out now.”

I smile at him patiently, the way one might smile at an annoying child. “Listen, Victor. Thanks for the warning a couple weeks ago, but I’m fine. I filled in for Mona and now I’m just going to do my job, finish the summer, and then go to school like everyone else.”

Victor stares me down for a moment. It’s uncomfortable. But I finish tying my apron and keep smiling. “What do you need me to help with?”

“You know what my problem is with you, Cadee?”

“I could not even begin to imagine. But I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

“You think you’re doing us a favor when you decide to

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