Bully King - J.A. Huss Page 0,78

unable to stop smiling.

“Just don’t break their hearts. Be careful with their hearts, Cadee. They’re only tough as nails on the outside.”

I nod. And agree. “I know that.”

“Then…” She pans her hand towards the backyard and I see Cooper waiting just outside the fold-away doors. Hands in pockets instead of crossed over his chest. Grin on his face and his eyes… not dark with the depths of despair.

For the first time in a long time, I see the electric blue of a peacock feather instead of the poison of a gas flame.

He extends his hand. Inviting me to join him in the back yard.

To join his world.

And I feel, maybe for the first time in years, that maybe… everything will be OK.


I see her the moment she walks through the door and I hold my breath, waiting for her to see me too.

Mona finds her first. But I’m not focused on Mona.

All I see is Cadee.

I’ve seen her every day. I saw her just a few hours ago. So this shouldn’t feel any different. But it does.

For two weeks I have kept my distance. I might not know Dante Legosi all that well, but I know his type. He’s been coming to my house for parties like this—thrown by my father instead of me—for as long as I can remember.

But he’s not invited tonight.

I didn’t invite any of the pledges, except Mona, of course. This isn’t about them, this is about us.

My little team.

Cadee sees me and I smile just a little. Just enough to let her know she’s the reason this is happening and I’m glad she’s home. Then I shove my hands in the pockets of my shorts, a nervous gesture. Because I don’t know what to do with them.

Do I hug her? Take her face in my hands and kiss her?

Because that’s what I want to do. Have an overwhelming urge to do, in fact.

She stops in the great room and stares at me. Waiting, I think. For me to make a decision.

And then I do know what to do.

I extend one hand and invite her to join me.

She walks forward smiling, then laughing. And by the time she places her fingertips in my open palm, she’s breathless.

I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this wide in my entire life. “Welcome home.”

She giggles, then sucks in a deep breath of air and says, “Thanks.”

“Go on, go on,” Mona prods, pushing Cadee forward a step so we’re so close she has to tip her chin up to keep her eyes locked with mine. “Have fun, kids. Life is short, gotta enjoy it. You only get one, and… all those other cliché sayings.” Mona winks at me and turns away, walking past us, calling out for Lars.

Cadee and I just stand there for a second. And maybe it’s a little awkward, but isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

“So,” I say.


We laugh.

“I heard you did this for me,” Cadee says. She breaks eye contact, but just barely. She finds her nerve quick enough and then holds the moment, like she’s enjoying it.

“I did.” I let out a quick breath and turn a little, looking at the celebration I planned. It’s got all the makings of a summer barbeque on the lakeshore. White lights strung around the dock and boathouse. The fire pit roaring, casting shadows on the faces of Ax and Valentina. Selina flipping burgers and dogs in the outdoor kitchen. Isabella sitting on the granite countertop nearby, nursing a beer.

Mona and Lars walk past us, arm in arm. And even though I have noticed that Lars has been distant with me over the past week—and I know this is about Cadee—he seems at ease tonight, letting Mona guide him over to the beer.

“I did,” I say again. “This is for you, I mean. I’m fucking sorry, Cades. It was a shit move to stick you with Dante and I’m sorry.”

She looks around for a moment, takes it all in, then looks back at me. “The bodyguards were a stroke of genius. I really do appreciate that.”

“So you didn’t have any problems with Dante?”

“No.” She shakes her head a little to emphasize her answer. “He caught me in the pantry once.”

“What?” My whole body stiffens.

“Relax,” she says, tugging me towards the backyard. “He kissed me, that’s it. And before you ask, I let him. He wasn’t going to steal that from me, so I gave it away. I think I kinda stunned him. He was expecting a

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