Bully King - J.A. Huss Page 0,40

Cadee.” She kinda sneers my name. “But they’re going to be upping their game today. I know how this works. And trust me, I’m very glad you’re the Fugling this summer. Because I was sure it would be me and I’m so not as evolved as you are. I would’ve fought back hard. But I have watched from the woods for about a dozen summers now. It’s just going to get worse. And they never win. You won’t win. You will not be here at the end of the summer.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“So why are you going? Hmm? What’s the big prize?”

“A scholarship to High Court.”

“Really? Damn. I thought everyone was kidding when they said you stole Lacy’s scholarship. Well done, Cades. Well done.”

“I didn’t steal it. The Chairman offered it to me.”

“Hmm. Also interesting. Since you’re living at his house and I saw Cooper go into your bedroom last night.”

I shake my head, so annoyed. “Mona, if you want to spread that rumor, I can’t stop you. And I’m sure it will really piss Isabella off. But nothing happened.”

“Oh, now come on. No one will believe that. You sucked his dick all year when he was a senior in Prep.”

I go red with heat at these words.

“Not just him, either. Oh, hey. I have a question for you. Did you guys like… take turns or something? Or was it just one big sloppy orgy with their cocks stuck into every orifice of your body?”

“You’re disgusting.”

“Well, I’m disappointed. I had been picturing it as an orgy for three years and you just burst my bubble.”

I walk faster when the Glass House comes in to view.

“Byeeeeee!” Mona calls. “Good luck today!”

I cannot believe I thought she would actually be on my side. She might be worse than Isabella.

I slip into the kitchen and find all the servers putting on their aprons and bustling around.

“You’re back,” Victor says.

“I’m back.”

“Glutton for punishment, huh?”

“I’m just here to do my job.”

“Good news. Your duck costume went missing. Did you burn it?”

“No. I took it off and left it in the laundry basket.”

“Well, it’s not there. And Isabella is pissed.”

“She’s already here? Why is she so early? Coffee doesn’t even get served for another hour.”

“She’s checking up on you. If you did burn it—”

“I didn’t.”

“I’m just saying, if you did, you should just own up to it. She will at least just hand out your punishment and move on.”

“She probably burned it. She’s setting me up.”


“Bitch. I hate them.”

“Not all of them.” Victor smirks as he fills the massive commercial coffeemaker with water using a stainless-steel pitcher. “Not Cooper.”

“Especially Cooper.”

“Whatever, Cadee.”

“Whatever yourself.” I stand there for a minute, my apron tied on. “Now what do I do?”

“Better go ask the queen. She’s your boss, Fugling.”

I turn on my heel and push through the kitchen doors, then mutter, “Asshole.” Because I thought Victor was going to be my friend. And he’s clearly not interested in getting involved. He only shows up to save his own ass. Just like all the rest.

“There she is,” Isabella sneers as I walk out into the main room. “What did you do with it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Isabella.” I say it sweetly. Like hurt-your-teeth sweetly. Which only makes her more suspicious.

“I’ll get you another one. You will wear that costume all summer.”

“Or,” Selina chirps, “until she quits and runs away crying.”

I just smile at Selina Reyes. I don’t know her. Like at all. But I don’t need to know her to understand what and who she is. She is one of Isabella’s best friends. Enough said. That’s all there is to it.

“She’s not going to wear the costume anymore.”

We all turn to find Cooper, Ax, and Lars walking towards us.

“What?” Isabella is pissed at being challenged about this.

Ax dances up to me shaking a white t-shirt at me like he’s giddy. Or high. Probably high. “You have a new uniform, Fugling.” He drops it over my head. “Put it on.”

I yank the shirt off my head and force myself to smile. They will not win. I will not give them that satisfaction. Ever.

“Sure thing, my prince.” I wink up at him and he stops his dancing to frown at me. Then I whip my shirt over my head and toss the pretty pink gauzy blouse on the ground.

I’m sad that I don’t get to look cute all day. But my ‘uniform’ is just a white t-shirt. It could be a lot worse.

They all stare at me as I stand

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