Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,99

and right now, you’re in pain. I hate him for it. I hate that I cheered you on and that he made you feel like less than nothing.”

“More fool am I because I knew what would happen. I still agreed to be his. The saddest part is, I wouldn’t change who I chose last night. I’m glad I allowed it for one night, but I won’t be his punching bag. I won’t fall into Cole’s arms and then have him hand me off to Illeron. I won’t be their toy or play their game. I’m Remington Silversmith, and while I may be naïve and young, I’m not weak.”

“That is why we’re friends. You fall, but you never stay down for long. I’ll see about finding us a house to rent, or one to buy. I do have money, you know.”

“Do not buy a house here. We won’t be staying long enough for that. Just long enough to find my family and then move somewhere far away, where men like Rhys aren’t hovering, and we’re not at the bottom of the food chain.”

“I am not moving to Antarctica. I’d starve to death!” Nyx blurted, and the door that connected the rooms opened.

“Get out, Nyx,” Rhys growled, crossing his arms, glaring at me over the bed. “You and I need to talk, Remington.”

“I have nothing to say to you, Van Helsing.”

“Now it’s Van Helsing? Pretty sure last night, my name was your fucking savior as you came for me.”

“That was last night. A lot changed between then and now, and I still have nothing to say to you.”

“I’m going to go,” Nyx said, leaning over to kiss my cheek. “Not because he said to, but because I’m having hormone issues with the full moon, and I don’t want to hump your leg like last time.”

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine,” I whispered, watching her exit the bedroom. “You have five minutes before I pass out.”

“You don’t get to decide how long I have to speak to you.”

“No, I’m sure I don’t. The thing is, once the fire is gone, my body needs rest. You have four minutes now before slumber claims me, and I am helpless to stay awake.”

His eyes searched my face. My eyes grew heavy with the need to succumb to the siren’s call of sleep. I swayed on the bed, watching as he rounded it to stand in front of me, cupping my cheek before my body jerked, and my eyes closed. He pushed me back, and I hissed.

“Stop the shit, Remi. I’m helping you to bed before you end up hurt,” he growled, righting my body before adjusting the sheets. Shedding his shirt, he climbed in beside me.

“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“Just because you’re asleep doesn’t mean you get to escape me. I’m a male incubus demon. Once you enter sleep, you’re in my world, little girl.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I stared at the side of the hill, watching for the car to roll over it in a spinout. One, two, three, four, five… My black Chevy Camaro rolled down the steep incline on cue. It never changed; the dream of when I learned I was something more, something else.

Rhys stood silently beside me, watching the car flip repeatedly until it came to a stop, and my cries for help went unanswered. One, two, three… It burst into flames. A spark hit the gas leaking from the twisted frame, and it erupted into an inferno. The screams stopped and became groans and whimpers of fear. I turned my eyes to the dark shadow standing on the cliff; her face hidden within the shadows of the bright sun shining behind her.

“This is the moment you learned you were fireproof,” Rhys whispered, and I moved away from him as the next scene came into play.

My mother stood with her back to us. The hose she held sprayed my body down, while steam rose from my flesh. It made a sizzling noise as ice-cold water touched the blistering heat of my skin. She hadn’t cried and didn’t even seemed fazed by the fact that my skin was flaming red due to the blaze of the wreckage. My mother had been so calm it had terrified me, which only pulled a snort from her lips. My mom was never warm and fuzzy by any means, but I’d expected some reaction from her. What I got was cold disdain instead.

The scene changed again, turning to the day Winchester and Sig returned home for a visit, but

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