Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,97

matter? He’d made it abundantly clear that he planned to use me, and that was how I felt now—used and discarded.

“Remi, open the damn door,” Cole growled, his eyes lifting to the thermostat maxed out at three thousand degrees.

Nyota worried her lip, picking at her sleeve while Illeron stared at me in shock, his brows nearly disappearing into his hairline. I stood there stark-ass naked as more alphas were entering the room to figure out what was causing all the commotion. Hunter, Conrad, Ian, and others filled the room, and I shut them all out, turning as the heat filled the armory, causing my skin to sweat.

I fired up the forge, sliding the silver into the mold, and watched it glowing red before I pushed my hand into it, dripping the liquid metal over my fingers. I could hear them gasping behind me, knowing they were freaking out at the show. I lifted myself into the fire and laid down on the coals. My eyes slid closed, and I exhaled.

The flames kissed my flesh, heating my soul while I exhaled the pain of hearing Rhys’s words. Even though I knew he rejected me because of his self-punishment, it didn’t make the words any easier to swallow. I could hear people screaming as the fire hid my body within the flames.

Some women were created from flames, and I was one of them. I’d discovered it in an accident that should have ended my life. The car had rolled down a hill, and after bouncing several times, it burst into flames. I’d screamed, begging for someone to help me until I felt the pleasure the flames brought. I’d sat in the car on fire, listening to the crackling of metal as it burned so intensely hot that it had melted and twisted the frame. When the fire began to simmer down, I crawled out of the car and walked home naked through the woods.

I’d told my mother everything, and she’d hosed me down as if she’d been expecting it. We hadn’t spoken about it afterward, other than to promise to keep it a secret. Speaking of my mother, I highly doubt Rhys had even looked for her. Where was my family? Where were Winchester, Sig, Weston, Smith, and Sauer? I mean, I understood them not rushing in to save me, but no one here had even mentioned them. If my family were here, people would notice.

I sat up, sliding my legs over the forge, and walking toward the water. Slipping into the bath, I watched the water bubble as steam hissed loudly. I turned, smiling coldly at Rhys, who watched me with a dark look in his eyes. Yes, asshole. I wasn’t just a Silversmith. Whoever my mother had chosen to sire me was also a part of who I was.

She’d chosen each father for her children based on what they were. That much I knew. Each of us had a unique skill set, but I burned things to the ground where others created beautiful works of art. Where my siblings were driven by the need to reach for things they desired, I never reached for or expected anything. I accepted that I was different and that even my mother feared me. Alpha? No. I wasn’t created to be the alpha to the House of Silversmith. I was crafted as a weapon to hold the house up, once erected.

I slipped from the water, noticing that Nyx held up a robe outside the door. I shook my head, turning the heat to freezing, and waited for it to cool down enough that it wouldn’t harm those outside the glass room. Ice settled on my flesh, and I ignored the ache that filled my bones. Frost dusted my lashes, but I didn’t blink to dispel it from forming around my eyes or covering my body in an icy layer from my sweat. When the timer on the thermostat dinged, I opened the door and stepped out, forcing the ice to crack with my movements.

“That was stupid,” Nyx whispered as if the entire room of immortals wouldn’t hear her.

“I needed to feel the flames before I ended up doing something stupid. I have clarity now,” I admitted, tying the strap of the robe around my waist. Nyx stepped back, and everyone continued staring at me with worry in their eyes.

“Phoenix?” Cole asked, and my eyes moved to his.

“Do I look like I have fucking feathers?” I countered, pulling my hair out of the robe.

Dismissing them,

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