Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,86

floor as he talked about the changes in the world and what he enjoyed about them. He was a wealth of information and never tired of speaking. When the fifth dance ended, he paused as someone caught his attention. I followed his stare to where Rhys waited on the edge of the dance floor, watching me with the vampire alpha. Ian leaned down, kissing my cheek before reaching into his pocket and tying his ribbon on my wrist.

“You’re a pleasure, Remington Silversmith. Save a dance for me when you shed this dress, please,” Ian said smoothly, running his lips over my artery, causing my heart to kick into overdrive at the brief brush of fangs against my flesh. “I promise not to bite you unless you beg me to do so. Most do,” he stated, grabbing my hand to place a gentle kiss onto my palm.

“That was pretty smooth,” I whispered.

Ian smiled, throwing back his head to give me a belly laugh, which caused everyone in the room to pause and stare at him. “You’re refreshing, and either lack fear, or have the protection of the Van Helsing. Which one is it, Remington?”

“She has my vow of protection, and I have her silver, Ian. I’m glad to see you crawled out of that pile of rubble you call a castle to come tonight, old friend,” Rhys stated, peering at my wrist with a narrowed look burning in his stare.

“No!” Ian whispered, turning to look at me to see if I’d argue Rhys’s claim. “You sneaky devil, how did you manage that?”

“Surprisingly, it was rather easy. Remington is rather naïve in her young age.” Rhys lifted his eyes from my wrist to hold my stare with anger burning in his. “If you’ll excuse us, Love. I do believe Nyx has been looking for you for the last hour that you’ve kept Ian busy.”

“Actually,” a deep voice said from behind me. “I’d like this dance if Ian has finished monopolizing the May Queen. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself formally.”

Rhys ground his back teeth together before he turned, staring at Conrad. “Indeed, at least this time your is dick covered, mutt,” he growled.

“If I remember correctly, she liked looking at my cock, old friend.”

My cheeks heated, and Ian smiled, lifting his hand to brush his fingers over my cheek. “She blushes beautifully.”

“What the hell is up with you guys and blushing?” I asked without realizing I’d asked aloud.

“When you’re as old as we are, nothing amuses us. Finding a pretty maiden on the cusp of her immortality that still has some sense of morals, is something we don’t often see,” Ian answered, dropping his fingers. “How is it she doesn’t have the normal silver hair and ice-blue eyes of a Silversmith?”

“That’s the mystery of the hour, isn’t it, Remington?” Rhys asked, watching as Conrad lifted my arm, securing his ribbon onto my wrist while Rhys glared at us. “Shall we, Ian? Excuse us, Conrad, Silversmith.” Rhys nodded to Conrad before leveling me with a chilling look of warning.

I watched Rhys turn away from me, moving toward the stairs again. Conrad waved a hand in front of my face, studying me when I turned my attention to him.

“He’ll never allow himself to love you. He’s charged himself to the eternal agony of never knowing real love. Rhys is a glutton for punishment. When Rhys hands out a punishment, he doesn’t go back on it, ever. You look like the type of woman who would need more from a man than a quick fuck, Remington. Something tells me that you’re more mate material than a girl who would allow herself to be used and then set aside.”

“Don’t confuse curiosity with being stupid, Conrad. He’s claimed me in a way that doesn’t allow me to escape him; even in death, I won’t be free of him. Rhys is willing to take advantage of me, so why shouldn’t I figure out a way to repay him tenfold?” I asked, lifting a brow. He slipped his arms around me, peering down at me with serious amber eyes that held keen intelligence.

“Don’t do that,” he warned softly. “I have met only a few men I wouldn’t cross in my lifetime, and Rhys Van Helsing is one of them. Don’t make him your enemy, Silversmith. Right now, you have the advantage because you confuse his duty with his need. The moment you cross that line from friend to enemy, you won’t ever come back from it.”

“I don’t

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