Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,77

and yet the others didn’t stand behind him. Neither did they argue over what I had said.

“You are what? Twelve? You don’t know shit about what it takes to do my job!” he stammered with a red face.

“I’ve been the weapons master at E.V.I.E. since before my tits reached their full potential. I have used guns and bows since the time I could stand up. I am a Silversmith, and my entire life has revolved around manufacturing weapons, unlike anything this world has ever used or fired before. I could pour silver into bullets and perfected the process before I was old enough to discover my love button or that it had an actual function. I am a marksmanship champion against an entire line of hunters. While I may look young and inexperienced, I assure you that I am not. If you or your alpha intends to add my silver to this shit-hole of a mess, you have inside this armory, then I expect you to do your fucking job, or find another one you can handle.”

“And you thought she might need your help?” Cole’s voice filled the room, forcing my eyes to his before they slid to Rhys, who stood beside him with his arms crossed over his broad chest, staring at me.

“Indeed,” Rhys said, shaking his head as his eyes slid to the knight beside me. “You’re being reassigned to a new post. Acyn, find someone who knows their cock from their hand and send them to Remington to see if they fit her expectations. When I learned that we had a new weapons master in Seattle who was a spitfire, I should have known it was a fucking Silversmith,” he admitted, rubbing his hand down his face. “Acyn, see to the completion of the other preparations as well, and report to me when you’re done,” Rhys announced, his eyes never leaving mine.

Rhys wore a white button-down shirt that molded his muscular frame. The collar was left unbuttoned, and the sleeves rolled up, exposing the colorful tattoos that moved as he unfolded his arms over his chest, watching me as the knight opened his mouth to argue.

“I am being generous, Carson, and considering your laziness has been mentioned repeatedly over the last few months, you’re lucky I didn’t reassign you to Antarctica. Leave now. If I have to ask you again, you won’t like me.” Rhys’s eyes never left my face, studying me through heated blue depths. “I’ll be in my office. When you’re finished here, I’d like a few words with you.”

I stared at him, narrowing my eyes before I went back to arranging his arsenal as his knights helped me. It took more than four hours before I’d finished and stepped back, scanning over every box of ammo and every arrow that now was precisely where it belonged. Turning on my heel, I asked one of the knights where I could find Rhys’s office, and then was escorted there, which had become a new normal.

I knocked on the door, stepping inside when he called out for me to enter. His eyes slipped over my shoulder, and the guard exited, closing the door behind him. Rhys’s office was huge and masculine. He had large filing drawers, with weird writing on the front next to a large wooden hutch that had dragons and the Van Helsing insignia carved into the front. On the other wall was an extensive display of books. Placed in the middle of the largest, widest shelf was the sword I’d crafted for him, prominently on display.

“Sit, Remington,” Rhys exhaled tiredly. I moved forward in the jeans and corset top I wore, sitting in the chair, crossing my legs while I lifted my glare on him. “Tomorrow is the celebration of Beltane, and with it, we observe certain traditions.”

“I understand,” I said dismissively.

I hadn’t spoken more than a few curt words to him since he’d left me in bed. Last night, he’d finally agreed to let me move into the other room on the condition that the knights stood guard. They stood there all night long, and to top it all off, Rhys demanded the door connecting mine to his remain open. No amount of arguing had changed Rhys having an open door into my room.

“Is that it then?” I asked, standing up.

“Sit down,” he said, studying me as I looked anywhere but at him. “It’s going to be rather stimulating and sexual compared to what you are used to.”

“I’m a witch. It will be

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