Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,75

meant when you said he could try, but it wouldn’t end up as he wanted. Isn’t it?”

“Mmm,” I said around my toothbrush. Bending over, I spit out the toothpaste before grabbing the mouthwash. My eyes caught his in the mirror, reminding me of earlier when he’d done devilish things to me. He moved quickly, planting his hands to box me in against the counter. I continued staring at him as those memories flashed in my mind. “Stop it.”

“Stop what, Remi? Stop touching you? Stop learning you?” He studied me; his smile curving his mouth while his eyes sparkled with dark amusement burning within them. “You’re going to need to elaborate on what you want me to stop doing.”

“Stop using your magic on me, Rhys Van Helsing.”

“I can’t make you want me. If that is what you think I am doing, you’re mistaken. I can only enhance your pleasure. I can’t make you want those dirty thoughts playing out in that pretty head of yours. That’s all you,” he uttered huskily.

“Do you have bleach?” I asked softly, turning to run my hands up his chest slowly, watching the smile deepening on his lips, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pressed his erection against my stomach, proving I wasn’t the only one remembering earlier.

“Now, why would you need bleach?” he asked, lowering his mouth against mine.

“To erase every image of you from my head,” I smirked against his mouth, patting his chest. “Good night, Rhys,” I snorted, ducking out from beneath his arms. I walked toward the bed, only to be picked up and carried into his room. “I am not sleeping with you!”

“You’re sleeping in my bed, woman. It isn’t up for negotiation at this time. When my bastard brothers leave, you can ask again. I have no intention of sleeping in this room just to keep you safe from them, not when you can sleep in my bed.”

“You’ve done a smashing job of keeping me safe so far, asshole,” I grumbled, and then cried out as he dumped me onto the bed.

“My job is to protect your life, Remington. You’re alive, aren’t you?” he muttered, pulling off the suit coat, and then slowly unbuttoning his shirt. I watched him silently, hating that his body made my eyes need to take inventory of each contoured line in detail. “How did you figure out that you were fireproof?”

“How long have you run E.V.I.E.?”

“I don’t run it. I only run a portion of the Seattle division. I hand out assignments that won’t need my assistance. It prevents me from spreading my knights out too thin, leaving them available for more pressing issues. How much does it piss you off knowing that you can’t go home, Remington?” he smirked wolfishly, victory shining in his azure stare.

“It wasn’t my home. It was just somewhere to pass the time,” I lied, rolling my eyes at his snort. “Of course, a Van Helsing would run the hunting guild. It actually makes perfect sense as to why we weren’t allowed to slaughter the blood bags. You had a Silversmith right beneath your nose and didn’t notice me, which must burn your alpha ass.”

“Admittedly, a little, but then I was coming to investigate the little spitfire that had climbed the ranks so rapidly. You see, I was aware of you, just not of what you were. I would have found you, Remington, even if you hadn’t returned home. There are not many who could do what you did, and certainly not in the time you did it. Most weapon masters take decades to learn their craft and adapt to what their role demands.”

I bristled under the compliment. I felt uncomfortable with the praise and was uncertain how to take it, so I ignored it. Rhys slid his thumbs through the waist of his slacks, pushing them down before standing back up to step out of them. My attention lowered to his thick cock before I turned away from him. I moved up the bed, slipping beneath the covers to lie down, facing the opposite direction.

“You’re upset that I am showing you off?” he asked into the room’s silence.

“I am. I feel like a pet that’s made you proud. I am not a pet, Rhys. I am young, and everything it entails. I have emotions, and while they may seem stupid to you, they’re not to me. You think it is fun to show me off to immortals that want to use me, abuse me, and murder me. Before

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