Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,45

asked for a sword which will take magic since silver is a soft metal. I’ll need copper, bronze, and silver. The room needs to have extreme temperature settings. It will take several hours at least to make a sword strong enough to wield against bone. It’s not a simple process by any means. I’ll have to melt the metal, cool it, form it, and then reheat it. At that point, it becomes tricky. I’ll use magic to enhance the blade with the Silversmith silver in the actual design, adding potency to the blade’s magic. I’ll then repeat the process until the final heating steps. After that, I’ll have to cool it slowly to reinforce the metal and ensure it doesn’t weaken in the process.”

“How many hours are we talking?” he asked, canting his head to the side, studying me.

“I’ve made two swords in my lifetime. One was a mistake that I melted down once I’d finished. The other is still being used today by Nyx. Unlike others in my line, any blade I create becomes infused with magic that adheres to the one who will wield it.”

“How does that work?”

“I’m different from others in our line. When they craft, it is merely Silversmith silver that is the end result. However, when I do it, something else is added to the weapon. Nyx’s sword molds into what she needs, and occasionally, it’s more penis-shaped than an actual blade she wields.”

His eyes narrowed, and a smirk replaced the frown on his mouth. Rhys turned my words over in his mind, and I saw his eyes burning with more questions, as if he found me a wealth of information. I now saw why Winchester was always telling me to shut my craw, as she called it.

“I can’t say how long because that depends on the metal, magic, and the room you provide. It looks pretty state-of-the-art and probably has everything I need. However, it isn’t my armory, and that will slow me down. If I was in my armory using my tools, probably four hours, max. However, I’m not, so I’d double that time.”

“Trust the process,” Nyx interjected, sliding up against him as she smirked at me. “Reporting for duty, hooker. I’ll be your captain today, buckle up, bitches. It’s about to get hot in here, so take them clothes off, and let’s work it, woman!”

I scrunched up my nose, pulling my shirt over my head to hand it to Nyx. She tossed it over her shoulder and wiggled her brows while holding out her hand. I looked down at my shirt, watching Nyx deflate as she huffed, moving to pick it back up, making a show out of folding it. I hooked my thumbs through the warm-up pants and pushed them down to reveal the tight spandex shorts I wore when I forged.

“And you’re wearing next to nothing. Why?” Rhys asked, turning to toss an irritated look at the knights and his brothers. There was a crowd gathering, slowly moving to sit around the table.

“Because the room is too hot for clothes,” I admitted, shrugging. “I can’t wear a bra because the wire would cause damage, and I prefer underwire bras or nothing else. Does my lack of clothing bother you?” I asked, lifting a brow with the question, crossing my arms over my chest, studying the tick in his jaw.

“You’re wearing a tank top that is showing off those perky nipples that I want to suck on. Your shorts, if you can even call them that, expose every curve of that tight little body, leaving very little to the imagination. It’s making me want to bend you over the nearest hard surface, spread those tight thighs apart, and fuck you hard. So, yes, Remington, your lack of dress is bothering me.” His gaze scorched a trail over my exposed flesh, leaving me in a smoldering pile of ashes at his feet.

“Yeah, so that happened, and it was hot!” Nyx announced, licking her lips as she hiked a thumb toward Rhys. “You need to say yes.”

“He wasn’t asking,” I argued, still holding Rhys’s heated stare.

“My word, Remi,” she chuckled, patting my cheek. “You’re so clueless it both hurts and endears you to me immensely. When a man says your lack of clothing makes him want to bend you over, that’s an invitation because he wants to do it, telling you about it in explicit detail. If he’s saying that, he’s literally imagined it in his mind a few times. So the word

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