Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,4

version wasn’t wrong. It started because the Van Helsings and Silversmiths were born to mate, and trust me; you don’t want to find him before he finds you. Not without backup, Remi. The Van Helsings are cursed incubi and therein lays the huge difference between them and normal incubi. You were literally two peas in a gun-slinging pod, once upon a time. You are the silver to their bullets, the wings to their planes. If he senses you near him, he will either hump the hell out of you or try to murder you.”

“It’s been almost three-hundred years, Nyx. How long can a curse stay that prominent? Besides, he could have my mother. What if the curse is in play, and he’s humping my mother?”

“Then… go, momma, go! Not you, though. I need you.”

“It’s my mother, Nyx. I am not close to my brothers and sisters, but my mom? She knows me, and she gets me. She’s my person.”

“I thought I was your person.”

“You are my person, but so is she. She spent thirteen hours bringing me into this world. Can you say the same?” I slipped my quiver over my back and grabbed the crossbow from the bed.

“Do you want to be in my vagina?” she asked curiously.

“No! What? No, Nyx. Not the point! I’m going. If I’m not back by the time you get here, send out the big guns. We all know that E.V.I.E. only breaks the rules if one of our own goes missing. I’m heading to Hunter’s Sanctuary for recon, and yes, I’ll be careful.”

“My flight is taking off, and you better be. I’ll be there in an hour. I’ve already hacked your email and figured out where you’re staying.”

“Why would you hack my email? You could have just asked me where I was staying.”

“What is the fun in just asking?” she snorted. “Yeah, I know. I’m hanging up,” she promised a man. “The flight attendants are obtuse. I’ll call you when I get feet on the ground. You better not die.”

“See you soon.” I ended the call before muting my phone and slipping it into my pocket.

I glanced in the mirror, staring at my reflection with a slight wince. I looked exhausted and in need of a good six hours of sleep. Pulling up the dark hood, I slipped from the room and started toward the sanctuary that was a mere few miles from the hotel. It took me almost two hours of searching, and moving around the city outskirts to become familiar with the area. Once I had scouted five escape routes out, I’d finally started toward the bar.

I hadn’t been aware that there was even a sanctuary bar within twenty minutes from the hotel. I’d booked it for five days, intending to have a place to escape my mother’s endless whining about my life choices. All of which were great disappointments to her. Or, my favorite, her threats about coming to bring me home, which was why I’d waited a while before ever telling her where I was.

Winnie was a millionaire, selling silver jewelry she weaved with her metal skills and magic. The others all had some ability to create beautiful things with silver. I made bullets and weapons. I didn’t create beautiful trinkets or hold the ability to use magic to peddle my potions or salves as mom did. My other siblings had backup plans to make a lucrative living. Me? I made weapons that were frowned upon when hiding the fact that we were witches born with the ability to craft silver.

Slipping through the edge of town, I listened as a scream ripped through the night. My heart stopped, restarting with a thundering beat. I gave up hiding, rushing toward the sound. At the edge of a large, dark parking lot, men had gathered and were physically fighting. They were blurs, moving faster than I could follow, forcing me to calm my rapidly beating heart rate.

The moment it slowed, I took in the carnage from the immortals fighting against one another. My eyes followed the tallest male, watching his moves. He swung dual-edged blades around swiftly, effortlessly wielding them. He moved like it was a dance he knew by heart. He was skilled with blades, highly trained in weapons, judging by the swift swings that removed heads, sending them rolling across the pavement with ease.

I observed them for a while, and it wasn’t until Silversmith blood called to me that my head turned, watching a lone female move onto the

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