Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,37

no electricity, no water, and, oh yeah, no food,” she grunted, peering around at the disheveled house. “Did I mention that I’m team Van Helsing right now? Rhys is totally into you, and you just dropped them all like hot potatoes, which doesn’t bode well for us.”

“He’s my enemy! They’re all my enemies. My mother is missing, vampires are day-walking, and the entire plan I had is now worthless. I sucked him off! Do you have any idea how damaging it is to a woman’s sensibility to suck someone off in a dream, only to conclude that I did it, willingly? Not to mention, my family is probably never going to forgive me for doing something as stupid as that, ever.”

Something slammed against the door, and I yelped in surprise. I sent magic rushing through the wards and then groaned. I’d yet to perfect magical wards or learn to hold them, and considering I felt the lack of wards, I had probably accidentally disarmed them. The door shook again, and I stepped back, staring at it, looking around the room for the silver, finding the wall empty of the bullets that had peppered it last night.

The door opened abruptly, squealing I backed up until my butt hit the wall. Rhys prowled into the house, entered it with duel blades in his hands while angry eyes locked with mine. The tick in his jaw hammered, and his mouth was an angry, white line.

“Go outside, Nyx,” he hissed, barely loud enough for me to hear him.

Nyx hesitated, but Rhys’s attention slid to her as his blades hummed with power, as if he was considering removing her head. His rage was so thick that I could taste it in the air. She started to argue, but I cut her off.

“Go, Nyx. I’ll be fine,” I whispered, chewing my lip as my attention moved back to the angry Van Helsing. “Do not hurt her.”

“She didn’t try to murder us,” he sneered coldly. “You did.”

“No, I didn’t. The wards would have only hurt for a few moments. Just long enough for us to get into the house to escape you.”

He snorted, stalking toward me slowly. “They just tried to eviscerate us. Luckily for us, you’re not skilled enough to accomplish that feat yet, Remington. Had you been more skilled, we’d have to regrow and heal organs because of that shit you pulled.”

Maybe I should have been paying more attention to my mother’s tireless teachings instead of watching reality TV dating shows. I winced as he sheathed his swords before placing one large hand around my throat as he grunted in pain. Azure eyes searched mine, and his hand tightened before he tore them away from mine, looking around the small cabin with an upturned lip.

“This shit-hole isn’t Eliza’s house. She’d never lower herself to live in such squalor,” he snapped. I started to speak, but his hand tightened as a cold smile lifted his lips. “What game are you playing at, Silversmith?”

“This is where my mother raised me, Rhys. Behind this wall is my bedroom, and the one next to it is my mother’s room. Below us is an armory, and out in the woods is a shooting range where she taught me to shoot and ensure my guns were precisely tuned to murder anyone stupid enough to think to harm me. I am not playing a game. I may be in over my head, I will openly admit to that, but I also didn’t ask you to come here. You brought me. Your mistake was thinking that I wouldn’t run the first chance I got.”

“No. No games, right? You stepped right into my path by chance. I brought you home with me, where you proceeded to act shy and all modest, right up until you sucked my cock. Was that to make me lower my guard against you, or to make me think you actually liked me? The first moment you got your chance, you tried to murder me, just like the rest of your murderous family, Remington Silversmith. My mistake was assuming you were different.” His hand tightened, forcing me to suck in air before he could cut off my airway. The moment he cut the air to my lungs off, he lowered his mouth to brush his against mine, smiling against my lips as a soft moan escaped. “If you try to harm my brothers or me again, I’ll slit your pretty neck, and fuck your throat while you bleed out. That

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