Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,33

blue bedding that was plush and inviting. Around it was a frame that caged it in with silver curtains to close it off from the rest of the room.

I stepped closer to the bed, testing out the mattress’s firmness while inhaling Rhys’s scent. My fingers moved over the metal before a painting of a woman on the wall in front of the bed caught my attention. Chewing my lip, I slowly moved closer to the image.

The woman had waist-length silver hair, and silver lines of magic moved through her, which the artist had captured beautifully. Her face was hidden, and yet I didn’t need to see it to know whose image adorned Rhys’s bedroom wall. The woman was leaning against pillows, with her legs bared beneath the exquisite dress she wore. It would have been a risqué pose for that era, considering the style of clothing she wore. I felt a pang of regret that another woman from my family had won the honor to hang on Rhys’s wall.

Dismissing the image, and the tightening in my throat, I entered the lavish bathroom that screamed luxury. Reaching into the shower stall, I adjusted the water to a comfortable level and pulled the sheet from my body, folding it before setting it on the white marble countertop.

A bottle of cologne sat beside the single sink, and I grinned. Moving closer, I picked it up, inhaling the rich, sensual scent of Rhys before placing it back on the counter. I found an iPod dock and looked at the wall, noting that it sat on a shelf. Thumbing through the recently played list, I smirked, finding Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and pushed play.

I stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind me. Steam billowed from the heated spray. The guitar strumming soothed my soul with the help of the water. I leaned against the stall as water shot from multiple showerheads, massaging my sore body deliciously. My hand lifted, touching my lips, remembering the feel of him against my mouth.

My thoughts slid back to the taste of him, and the way he’d looked finding pleasure in my clumsy attempt to give it to him. He’d felt right against me, his hand on my throat should have terrified me, but it hadn’t. He was dominant, or his demon was. His touch stroked my body into a raging inferno that burned hot with a need to match it.

I was the world’s biggest idiot, but I hadn’t known about dream-walking. I hadn’t known it was even a remote possibility, and yet I’d woken on my knees, fully awake from what I’d assumed was a dream. It should have terrified me, but I wasn’t afraid. I’d felt embarrassed, sure. Who wouldn’t have? Most people would be mortified from feeling brazen in their dreams, only to discover that they hadn’t dreamed it at all.

There was a wealth of embarrassment, but I’d liked making him moan with the knowledge that I was creating the storm within him. It was empowering to make a dominant male weak with need. And he was weakened. He’d been powerless to do anything other than accept what I’d done to him with my mouth.

I slid my soapy hands over my body, remembering the look of liquid heat pooling in his eyes as he’d discovered me taking him hungrily between my lips. He was surprised with a hint of worry banked in his eyes, but that heat I’d seen caused my body to clench hungrily for his thick cock. He hadn’t feigned shock, and he’d tried to warn me, but I pushed his hands away because I had wanted to taste him. When reality crashed down on my head, it rendered me speechless that I’d done something so brazenly sexual, and was angry at myself for being naïve.

My fingers pushed against the swollen nub, gasping at finding the flesh so sensitive. I worried my lip with my teeth as my eyes fluttered open to find Rhys leaning against the counter with his arms folded over his chest. His narrowed gaze followed my hand, and I stalled my movement, as those fiery-blue eyes lifted to lock with mine, his smile turning wicked as my knees weakened.

Rhys tilted his head toward the music, hiking one brow up in silent question before he vanished from sight. The music changed, and I shifted nervously as he reappeared naked. I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone started as he stepped into the shower without an invitation while

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