Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,31

part,” he muttered crossly.

“None of us have fathers,” I pointed out. “You’re wrong, Rhys. People can change, and it’s been a very long time since you’ve known my mother.”

“I don’t care what you think, little girl. Your mother is just like her sister, Roslyn. Even when she had a mate, Elizabeth couldn’t keep her legs closed to other males. You’re lying to yourself if you think she changed without her mate to hold her sanity together.”

“You don’t know my mother at all if that’s what you think. My mother has never taken a lover throughout my life,” I gritted out tightly, anger clenching my jaw.

Rhys snorted, closing his eyes as if he’d just dismissed me outright. I bristled, turning away from him, and then cried out as part of the ceiling landed between us. Rhys reached over, yanking me back toward him as his other hand picked up the drywall, tossing it aside.

“Do try not to die while I sleep from that meal I just gorged on, Remington. I’d hate to have to bury your corpse before breakfast.”

Chapter Ten

I awoke to someone stroking their hand through my hair. Pushing up from the bed, I took in the disheveled Van Helsing, smiling sleepily at me. Yawning, I sat up, stretching my arms before smiling at him, right up until I noticed his gaze had dropped to my chest. My hands covered my breasts, and I groaned. He sat up, capturing me before I could move away from the bed.

“Good morning,” he murmured, running his nose over the shell of my ear in a sleepy tone.

“Morning,” I replied, touching his chest as I felt his mouth curving into a smile against my throat. “This is where you let me go so we can figure out if you can stop touching me, Van Helsing.”

“Is it?” he chuckled, running his heated lips over my shoulder, softly kissing my hypersensitive skin. “What if I like touching you, Remi?”

“I think it is better that we don’t touch each other,” I whispered thickly, turning my mouth to his as he lifted. I leaned forward, claiming his mouth, and a moan escaped my lips to be swallowed by his lips as he kissed me hungrily.

“I think that’s probably for the best,” he agreed, leaning closer as he leisurely kissed me. His hands lifted, one capturing my chin to allow him unobstructed access to my mouth, while the other threaded through my hair, turning my head so he could slowly devour me. “Did you enjoy my mouth on you last night?”

“I kind of want to lie here,” I groaned while his mouth brushed against mine, smiling as he pulled back to take in my heavy hooded gaze and kiss-swollen lips.

He pushed me down onto the bed, using his body to pin mine against the mattress. Rhys used his knees to spread my legs apart as he studied me. His hand slid down my belly seductively, his finger dipping lower, trailing through my sex, grinning when he found it wet for him.

“I want to devour you in a very sinful way, Silversmith. I hate that I didn’t get to watch your pretty eyes light up as you came for me. I bet you make the most delicious noises when you reach your precipice and cry out in pleasure.” His finger pushed into my body, and I arched my spine, running my hands over his broad shoulders.

“Rhys,” I moaned as his eyes sparkled and danced with amusement.

A knock sounded at the door, and he turned his dark head in that direction, slowly moving to his knees. He turned back, staring down at my body on display, and before I could prevent his descent, he lowered his mouth to my core, licking through it until he reached my clit, sucking hard against it as his teeth scraped the delicate flesh.

“You do taste fucking delicious,” he groaned. He slowly eased from the bed, watching my hand cover where his mouth had been. “You start touching it, and I’ll fuck you, little girl. You rubbed against me all night, and I have never lain with a woman I didn’t end up fucking. Especially not one I craved as much as I am craving you. I’m trying to be a gentleman here. Either invite me to fuck you or stop touching yourself. You have exactly ten seconds to decide what happens next, Remi.”

The knock sounded again, and Rhys dragged his heated stare toward the door. I scrambled beneath the covers, hiding my nakedness beneath them.

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