Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,29

as he studied me.

“No, Remi,” he whispered huskily.

I smirked wickedly, flicking my tongue over the thick head of his cock. His eyes grew hooded, silently peering around the room. Something in his stare worried me, but I didn’t care; I couldn’t, with the power I felt on my knees before him.

I wanted him.

I wanted to watch him come undone for me, and he would.

He grunted, moaning while he watched me wrap my lips around his need. His hand released his heavy cock, and I replaced them with my own, unable to close my fingers around his girth, slowly caressing his cock as I learned him.

The salty taste of his cock danced over my lips. I took more of him into my mouth, working it in an unhurried movement with the clumsiness of someone who had never done it before. His hands captured my hair, pushing it away from my face with tenderness. I guided him into my throat, swallowing around him as Nyx’s voice sounded in my mind. I remembered her words on how she drove men insane with her mouth, adding her dauntless instructions to my actions.

She’d be so proud of me if she could see me now.

I moaned around him while he ran his thumb over my cheek, and I slowly took more. He groaned, slowly rocking his hips as he watched me through heated eyes. My movements grew hurried. The need to please him consumed me, driving me to be brazen. I worked my hand, hollowing out my cheeks, swallowing him as tears filled my eyes from the need to get air into my lungs. It became an overwhelming need, warring with the need to make this alpha come for me. He grunted, tossing his head back as his body tensed, and hot spurts of arousal filled my throat. I swallowed, staring up at his gaze while he watched me slowly backing away.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“No, but I wanted to.”

His hands reached for me, pulling me close while he placed a kiss against the top of my head. I kissed his chest, peering up at him as the room faded away, and the scene changed. Frowning, I took in the bedroom and then stared at where we should have been. Swallowing hard, I licked my lips as the startling realization hit me.

“I’m dreaming,” I whispered thickly, my throat raw from what I’d done to him. “I was dreaming!”

His dark head shook from side to side. My stomach dropped, plummeting to the floor at my feet. “No. You were merely dream-walking until I caught you. Then it became a reality. I told you that you didn’t have to do that. It was the moment I became aware of what was happening. I’m not always in control when my demon pulls someone into a dream walk with him, which is his world to control.”

“You didn’t think you should warn me that I might wake up sucking you off?” I asked, embarrassment flooding my cheeks.

I’d been brazen because it had been a dream!

I’d sucked his dick!

My heart thundered in my chest as he swallowed hard. The tick in his jaw hammered wildly while he watched the horror unfolding on my face. His emotions slammed shut, and he smiled coldly.

“Get the fuck into bed, Silversmith. I’m exhausted after you drained me. Rather greedily, too, I must add.” His smirk was cocky, and I wanted to slap it off his face. “Now. Or you can deal with whatever befalls you from the curse on your own, woman. Your choice,” he stated, moving to the bed as the wall cracked behind me, forcing me to move toward the bed, or deal with bringing his house down around me.

“I thought I was dreaming,” I said after settling on the bed beside him.

“You were at first. It was a nice surprise to wake up buried in your throat. Did we do anything else?”

“No,” I said quickly, turning away from him. I felt his stare on my back but ignored it as I settled into bed beside him.

“Remi,” he chuckled darkly. “If we didn’t do more, how come I can taste you on my lips?”

I grabbed the pillow, covering my face as embarrassment washed through me. How hadn’t I noticed it wasn’t Rhys? I’d seen the eyes, noted the difference within him, but I didn’t know he and his demon weren’t the same creature. Why, out of everything my mother taught me, wasn’t that among the important things?

Hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me

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