Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,14

coming undone around their sensual assault. I shivered violently, pushing the images away as I tried to determine reality from fantasy.

Freaking incubus demons! Even worse, brother incubus demons.

“Enough,” I moaned as my head dropped back against Rhys’s chest. Cole stepped back, smiling, but the look in his eyes floored me like he hadn’t been unaffected by that vision either.

“She’s a very dirty girl, with a sinfully delicious imagination. She was imaging you eating her naked pussy, and it is very naked, indeed, brother. You’re in over your head with this one, Rhys. When she becomes too much to handle, send her my way, and I’ll turn her naughty little thoughts into a reality she’d enjoy.”

“You finished yet, asshole?” Rhys growled, and yet he didn’t release me.

“Nah, I’m just getting started,” Cole laughed darkly, letting his eyes drop to where Rhys continued running his fingers over my hips. “I’ll see you soon, Sunshine.”

“My name is Remington, not Sunshine.”

“Remington, what a beautiful name for a little Silversmith,” he chuckled, leaning closer to inhale my scent. “Fuck me! You’re a newborn. No wonder my asshole brother is trying to claim you. I’m guessing Eliza didn’t get to the part where we’re the bad guys, did she? Since you’re not immortal, I’m going to guess that you know nothing of our world or history. Fuck me, if we didn’t hit pay dirt with you.”

“You didn’t hit shit. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. I’m aware I am in the hands of my bloodline’s mortal enemies. I’m very aware of who and what you are. I’m also aware that I’m on neither of your sides, so stop with your demon mind tricks, or I’ll make your blood boil with mine. I do promise to enjoy the pretty screams you’ll give me. Now get your fucking hands off of me, both of you.”

“You sure you want me to do that?” Rhys chuckled against the side of my neck, kissing it softly. “I’m not sure how much more this room can take of your curse. You broke a two-hundred-year-old table that was an heirloom.”

“Who is to blame for that?” I countered crossly.

“Touché, but if I release you from my touch, you’ll either face plant on the floor or land on Cole, which he is hoping happens. If he’s touching you without me grounding you, I can’t get you out of his thrall. Decide. It’s your choice what happens to you.”

“Come on, pretty girl. Come play in my world. I promise you’ll like it there,” Cole smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, watching me carefully as frustration played out on my face. “I’m much more fun than Rhys’s stuffy, prim, and proper ass is.”

I didn’t trust either of them.

Not one iota.

However, I really didn’t trust a man who could sacrifice his men just to make a point. Cole planned to murder his brother. If I hadn’t intervened, he very well might have accomplished it.

“I think I’ll stay with Rhys for now, Cole. It was a pleasure to meet you, though, and should I need a gorgeous evil villain, you’ll be my first choice.”

“Who says I’m the evil one, Sunshine?” Cole asked, lifting a brow as Rhys snorted behind me. “Oh, don’t let his suit and ties fool you. He’s as evil as they come. He just hides it much better than I do. Enjoy your evening. Do try to pull that stick out of my brother’s ass, yeah? He’s a bloody fucking thorn in my side. It was my pleasure meeting you, Remington. Such beauty and grace have long been forgotten in this day and age. Though, maybe pick your clothes better, and stop letting this wanker dress you. I can send something more… appropriate for you to wear if you’d like. If not, I took it upon myself to pick up your belongings from your hotel. They’re being held at the bar since weapons are frowned upon here, especially Silversmith weapons. You have an eye for fine detail, and I must say, I am impressed by your craftsmanship to your personal weapons. I did, however, take one as my price for delivering your things. Goodnight, my lady,” he said, bowing at the waist before his eyes lifted. A cold smile played on his lips as he stared over my shoulder. “I’ll be back soon, promise.”

He left the room, and I spun around, lifting my hand to slap Rhys before he could deflect it. “Do not ever use your magic on me again, or I’ll

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