Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,113

out?” I asked, and she dropped her eyes, pursing her lips together tightly until a white line formed over her mouth. “How long, Nyx?”

“A little over a month,” she admitted softly. “You had some pretty extensive damage to your body, vital organs, and brain. To put it in a nutshell, Rhys murdered three doctors who said to take you to the farm and put you out of your misery.”

“You murdered doctors?” I asked, resting my head against him, hearing his deep exhale while he brushed his lips over my shoulder, kissing it gently.

“Only the ones who wouldn’t save you,” he admitted softly. “Nyx, tell the physician who lived, that Remington is awake and speaking. Have him standing by outside the room to examine her. I’ll finish her bath,” Rhys ordered.

Nyx hesitated, watching me. “You promised not to leave me alone. Do you have any idea how terrifying it was to walk outside and smell your blood mixed with Cole’s? There was blood splattered all over the car and ground beside it, but we couldn’t find a trail anywhere. It just vanished, and I was alone and terrified!”

“I was in a trunk,” I whispered, coughing. Nyx rushed forward with more water, staring over my shoulder.

“Stuff it, Van Helsing. She’s my person, and I almost lost her. That shit messes with a girl’s head, and I haven’t reached an orgasm since. Cole ate me for an entire week, and still no orgasm! Although, that was the hottest thing I have ever been through in my entire life.”

“Nyx, she needs to be examined by more than you and me right now,” Rhys stated calmly, exhaling against my shoulder. It sounded like he was struggling to remain calm in the face of a hyperactive, overemotional nymph.

“I’m okay, Nyx. I probably should see the doctor, though,” I laughed at her pouting lips. After a moment, she nodded in agreement. She slapped her forehead, lunging forward without warning to hug me tightly. “Nyx, I’m totally naked, and you can’t un-see that, ever.”

“I’ve been self-appointed vagina washer for over a month. You and I are way past first base; we’re like…”

My hand landed over her lips, stopping her from speaking. “Oh my God, don’t finish that,” I chuckled, turning to bury my head against Rhys. “This is so bad,” I laughed harder.

His fingers played in my hair while he silently kissed my neck as the door closed with Nyx’s departure. Rhys turned me around to face him, and I fell toward him. His eyes slid down my body, and he sat up, placing me onto the opposite side of the tub where Nyx had been leaning.

“How do you feel?” he asked, grabbing for the sponge she’d sat on the tub’s edge.

“Weak. I feel very weak,” I admitted, watching Rhys slowly wash me like some delicate doll. “Not so weak that you would rub my flesh off if you actually touched my skin with the sponge.” His lips twitched, and his attention lifted to the soft smile I offered him. “I won’t break.”

“You did break, Remi. You almost died nineteen times while I fought to hold you to this world. You flatlined nineteen fucking times, and I anchored you to me with your mind. Ian has been feeding you his blood. Conrad bit you three times to see if we could force a change. Hunter, he wanted to take you to his realm and force you to become one of the spirits that reside there.”

“And you?” I asked, slowly taking in the sinewy muscles of his chest, tensing from his movements.

“I held you tight and told you that I didn’t accept you leaving me, Love. I want you alive, do you hear me?”

I didn’t lift my eyes to his, unable to look into them for fear of seeing something deeper developing there. He closed the distance between us, lifting me onto his lap as something very hard and noticeable sat between us. Rhys’s lips brushed against mine seeking permission, and my arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him hungrily. He stood from the bathtub, walking us into the bedroom, where he laid me carefully onto the bed.

A knock sounded at the door, and he laughed, peering up at me, smiling. “I’m going to build a bunker just to have a place for us to fuck so that we’re not constantly disturbed.”

“That’s a little much just to get laid, isn’t it?” I asked, and he lifted as to leave. “No, not even,” I growled, pulling him down, lifting my

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