Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,104

as he slowly lifted from the bed, his eyes scanning my face, studying the way I trembled.

“Stay out of my head!” I yelled and turned at the echoing sound of men rushing through the hallway toward my room.

“How the fuck did you do that?” Rhys questioned.

“What the hell just happened?” Cole demanded, entering my room with the others on his heels.

“Good question because it couldn’t be what I think just happened. No one has ever thrown me out of their head,” Illeron snorted.

“It’s impossible to eject an incubus demon from your dream once he has access. She just ejected four of us,” Acyn stated, folding his arms over his chest to stare pointedly at me.

“Five,” Nyota groaned. “Sick bastards. Some shit I don’t ever want to see you doing. Trying to make Remington want you when her entire fantasy revolved around Rhys… Well, that is one of them.”

“I don’t think she came out okay,” Cole stated, watching me trembling.

“Get out,” Nyx screamed from the doorway. “All of you, now. Rhys, if you intend to stay, strip naked and cuddle her. The fire is gone, and she’s freezing eternally.”

“Who the fuck made you the boss, nymph?” Rhys growled warningly.

“I am her person! I am the one who knows what to do when something goes wrong. I know Remi’s secrets, her dreams, and I know when she is in trouble. She’s in trouble! Are you willing to measure dicks over this and lose her in the process? I’ll save you the trouble. I don’t have a dick, which most of your brothers can verify! Her core temperature is dropping, Rhys Van Helsing. You will lose your advantage if she dies, and if her temperature gets too low, she will die! It has to be gradual. Her body has to reach its natural temperature on its own. You woke her up too early, so get her comfortable, now. Heat her body, so that her body can slowly regulate its temperature.”

Silently, I watched Rhys stand, pushing down his sweatpants, while he stripped naked. Nyx made a strangled noise of need in her throat, purring as he glared at her. “Get the fuck out, all of you. Now,” Rhys snapped. He slid the robe off of my body, pulling me close against his heat. My hand lifted, curling around his hand to bring his palm against mine. “You’re okay, Remi.”

“Worst day ever,” I muttered, burying my face against his chest, inhaling his enticing scent. Heat enveloped me, and the feel of his body against mine comforted my mind while I allowed sleep to consume me, to heal.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I awoke alone, stretching out on the bed, before lifting my head to find Rhys studying me. I could see the questions dancing in his gaze, but I didn’t know their answers. My mother hadn’t been forthcoming with anything. I’d barely remembered the ordeal before I’d left as a teenager, which I now knew had been altered by Winchester.

“Winchester protected you from a woman who told you that you were nothing,” he snapped, surprising me with the anger in his tone.

“Maybe you and my mother would get along, after all,” I offered. Shrugging when he didn’t reply, I pulled the sheet around my naked body.

“Your mother allowed the male, who I assumed was your brother, to hurt you. You’re still mortal, which means she was willing to let you die. Yet you race back here to save her? You’re either blindly devoted or incredibly stupid, Remington.” Rhys leaned forward, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth.

“As you saw, Winchester took the memories, and I think she’s done it more than once. That’s her gift. She has the ability to mess with people’s memories, replacing them with blank spots inside your mind. I am not blindly devoted to my mother, but I do love her, Rhys. She gave me life, and that is something I appreciate. You loved your mother, and just because you assume mine is a villain, well, it doesn’t mean I don’t love her.”

“You kicked five incubus demons out of your dream like we were weak. I assure you, that is not the case here. I am the strongest incubus demon within the world, so you need to explain to me how you, a fucking mortal female, kicked me out of your head.”

“Your brother was being obscene with his language, and what he wanted to do to my backside.” He smiled wickedly while heat smoldered in his gaze. “I was worried you would let him,

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