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I reached out and si-phoned off Belle’s rage, because I could eat anger. That was my ability, not Jean-Claude’s and not one of Belle’s, either.

I felt Nathaniel so calm, Damian cold and controlled, and Richard more fearful but determined not to be the weak link, and beyond that was Jean-Claude more certain, more sure, more master than ever before. He let me reach out to all that angry power and eat it. I drew off that anger and we all fed on it, because Jean-Claude understood how to share the energy between all of us. In that moment I realized that it wasn’t my triumvirate and his, but ours, and he knew how to drive the metaphysical car better than I did. I was okay with riding shotgun on this one, as long as I got to shoot Belle Morte.

Her rage wakened my own, that deep pool of anger that I’d carried for so many years. It liked Belle’s anger, liked the taste of it, and we drank it, her, down.

She fell to the floor. “No,” she said, “this cannot be.”

“The piece of the Mother you took into yourself wants Anita,” Jean-Claude said, “and that piece is controlling you both. She is not dead, she lives in you. Did the rest of the council take her power into themselves?”

“Yes,” Belle said, before she could stop herself.

“Then you are all poisoned with her evil.” I felt his fear then, and we all shared it.

“You should have let her die,” I said.

“She offered her power to us like a dark wind,” Padma said, and he looked lost.

“Oh my God,” I said, “she really has possessed you.”

Then both the vampires stared at me. “But it’s you she wants, necromancer.” They spoke in unison. The smell of jasmine was everywhere, and the scent of a rain that had fallen on earth thousands of years ago. It was the scent of the Mother of All Darkness. Marmee Noir wasn’t dead; she was in all of them.

They stared at me and said in that echo, “The Lover of Death would feed on your fear, necromancer. But these two bodies cannot, more’s the pity. We would enjoy the taste of how much you fear us.”

“Do you control Padma and Belle more completely than the rest?”

They both answered, “They are the youngest on the council, the farthest away from me in time.”

“They aren’t as powerful as the others,” Jean-Claude said.

“He hates you for destroying his son; it opened him to me. She wants you; her anger and regret opened her to me. The Lover of Death feels nothing for you, except that your death would be wise. But he hungers for slaughter and deaths to feed upon, and this new, more modern council controls him. I’ve promised him death, death as he hasn’t seen it in centuries if he will be my horse to ride. The Dragon feels nothing for you, except curiosity. The Traveller knows what is happening, and he hides from me. He has one body and if it is destroyed he is no more, but my soul fills many bodies now. You would have to kill all of them to destroy me.”

“A separable soul,” Jean-Claude said.

“Yes,” she said, “and even the death of all the council will not find all of me.” They looked at me, and said, “Thank you for killing the Father of the Day; he was the only one who could have challenged me.”

“I didn’t do it to help you,” I said.

“But it did help me, Anita, so much more than you will ever know.”

“You ate his power when he died,” I said.

The two vampires nodded.

“Belle Morte,” Jean-Claude said, “you must fight her.”

“She cannot,” the vampires said together.

I felt Jean-Claude open the ardeur and thrust it into Belle Morte. Belle’s head went back, her spine bowing, and when she looked up her eyes were their human brown. “She doesn’t understand the ardeur, but she understands lust, Jean-Claude.”

Then Belle’s eyes were drowned in power darker than her own, her eyes like a sea of night sky, and I’d seen those eyes before, and not from the Mother. Belle and Padma spoke in unison. “Lust we know of old, Anita. Remember what we did in your Las Vegas with the weretigers? I can raise the ardeur and drown you all in it for hours until the sun does rise and my power grows by every tick of your clocks.”

Richard’s fingers dug into my shoulder, and I realized that as each man had come into

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