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“You’ll bring my wolf, Richard.”

“No,” he said, “I won’t, I promise, but I want you to bring mine.”

I blinked up at him. “What?”

A sound made us both turn and look at the side of the bed. Jean-Claude was standing behind Asher, and I knew he wasn’t having sex with him, the angle wasn’t right, but I couldn’t see what he was doing to make Asher close his eyes, face nearly slack with pleasure.

My wolf started to trot, that ground-eating movement that wolves can keep up for miles. Wolves, like early humans, will just walk prey into the ground until they’re exhausted and ripe for the kill. The trouble was that it was my body that the she-wolf would try to eat her way out of; I couldn’t shapeshift, and when one of the beasts wanted out they treated my body like a trap that they needed to dig their way out of.

“Richard, you’re bringing my wolf.”

He stared down at me with those amber eyes and I felt his power again, but it was different than I remembered it. His power could sting, or prickle like electricity, but this was just a warm wash of power, gentle but powerful like a curl of warm ocean water rolling through me. His power touched the wolf in me, and she slowed. The only image my mind could form was the wolf being petted, soothed. She lay down beside the path in among the tall, unreal trees, content with the roll of his energy over her.

“I’ve been practicing helping Gina’s beast not to rise so she can keep the baby. Your weretigers tell me I’m a natural at it.”

“I didn’t know you were helping.”

“If our women could have children, that would be a wonderful thing. How could I not help?”

I thought of a lot of things to say, the mildest of which was that something being a good thing hadn’t been enough if it meant he had to use his beast to do it, but out loud I said, “Yes, it would be.”

Asher cried out, and we both turned again. Jean-Claude had given the chains more slack and was up behind him on the bed, with both of them on their knees. Jean-Claude’s legs and hips were moving, and I knew that he was finally doing what Asher had wanted for so long.

“Jean-Claude’s ahead of us. I want to catch up.”

“Are you asking if I’m okay with it?”


I thought about it, but with the weight of him pinning me to the bed, and my hands tracing the smooth skin and muscle of his back, all I could say was, “We need a condom.”

He smiled, and it was a version of the smile that had once melted me into my socks, and out of them. “Are they still in the same place?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

He raised enough of him that I could see his body was hard and eager against the front of him. “Wait right there,” he said.

I waited right there.


RICHARD WAS ABOVE me, holding himself on his arms, his lower body pushing in and out of me. I realized it was the same position that Jean-Claude had used, but then they were both too tall for straight missionary, or I was too short.

I watched his body work in and out of mine. He was wide, and straight, and long, and beautiful, and the feel of him between my legs was amazing. I turned my head to the side to scream my pleasure, and I was suddenly looking at the other men.

The chains were looser now, letting Asher’s body drape forward so that I had both of their bodies in profile, all pale muscled grace. Jean-Claude’s body was pushing its way into Asher while the other man jerked at the chains, his body reacting to the thick, muscled push of Jean-Claude’s. His hair had fallen over his face, so that both of their faces were hidden by the fall of their own hair, one black, and the other gold.

Richard shoved himself into me in one deep thrust that made me cry out and look up at him. I had a moment to see my face looking up at his, as if I were using his eyes. My eyes were wide, mouth open in a little O of surprise, and I watched pain and pleasure fight across my face. The moment passed and I was staring up into his face again. He looked pleased, eager, with an edge of concern in eyes that had gone back

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