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was against the rules to say that word out loud unless we were contacted by them first. In fact, saying it out of school is a death sentence.”

“But you know that I am the animal to call of one of the Harlequin.”

I nodded. “Most people don’t remember that you revealed that. Even some of the powerful shapeshifter guards act like ordinary humans, as if you mind-fucked them and made them forget.”

“My master thought it would be better that way.”

“Are you contacting us officially?”

“Yes, and no. I am here as an agent of some of the Harlequin, but I am not sanctioned by the council to be in St. Louis.”

“I’m listening.”

He gave a small smile. “Almost anyone else would ask questions, at least be astonished, that I’m telling you that the Vampire Council’s own spies, police, and executioners have broken with them.”

“Let’s just say we had some remote-viewing visits from a few council members.”

“Then you know what has happened,” he said.

“You tell me what you know and I’ll tell you what we know and we’ll see how deep the shit really is.”

He nodded, the smile fading. “The Mother of All Darkness isn’t dead.”

I nodded.

“She’s visited you,” he said, sitting up from his comfortable slump.

“Sort of.”

“When she felt her body destroyed by the bomb, she sent her essence out in search of a home. She found fertile ground in some of the council. Once, so long ago that most do not remember, that was what the council was, Anita. They would come to sit in their great chairs, but the deep dark secret was, once they took their places on the council the Mother possessed them. She had more trouble possessing some than others, but she took them all. The council only pretended to vote and be fair; in truth they were all her puppets.”

I took a deep breath, let it out slow, and nodded. “I’m not surprised.”

“The Traveller seems free of her; he and his human servant are running for their lives. They are hiding somewhere; even we do not know where.”

“Are some of the Harlequin on her side, still?”

He nodded. “We are at war with each other. It is a very quiet, deadly little war, more like a series of assassinations, but we are at odds with each other.”

“Do you really think we can hide you from some of the greatest warriors and killers that ever lived? We’re good, Jake, but I’m not sure anyone’s that good.”

“No, I come to offer my gun and my strength to help fortify your safety, not the other way around.”

“You think the other Harlequin will come for us?”

“I know they will.”

“When?” I asked.

“It depends on how fast we can kill the ones that want to kill you. If our side loses enough manpower, then they’ll come for you. Right now they see the other Harlequin as their greatest threat. Once we are neutralized, then they will turn to you.”

“So it behooves us to help you guys.”

He smiled. “I didn’t come here for that, Anita. We will live or die as we always have, by our own hands.”

“Then what do you want from us?”

“Depending on how our private feud goes with the other Harlequin, others of us will come to your aid, or to spy on you. There are some who are more neutral, because they do not believe that you and Jean-Claude and your two triumvirates could be Master of Tigers.”

I stared at him. “Did you guys bug our phones again?”

He grinned. “No, your wererats sweep very effectively for listening devices now.”

“We may be a little slow, but once we learn something we don’t forget it.”

His voice was all serious, suddenly. “The last remaining tigers that are not red or white belong to the Harlequin as their animals to call. When Mother Dark took the power of Father of the Day, she gave some of that power to us. We gained the tigers through it. Your blue boy is not the last of the blue, there is one more, but she is busy fighting for her life alongside her master, so soon your Vegas teenager may be the only blue tiger left in the world.”

“Are she and her master on our side?”

“They are,” he said.

“So, you have a black tiger or two,” I said.

“We have one. We had two, but when the Father of the Day regained some of his power, he called Sebastian away from us.”

“Funny, Sebastian never mentioned he was one of you guys.” I felt a little spurt of anger, because

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