Bulldog - Hope Ford Page 0,20

but nothing like the pain I’m feeling in my chest.

She stands at her car and watches me for the longest time. I lean against the wall, breathing heavily and watching her get into her car and drive away.



“What’s wrong, Mom?” Emma asks me.

I smile at her, the best that I can. I’ve tried my best to not let her see how upset I’ve been, but of course she notices. She notices everything.

“Nothing. I’m fine. I’m excited about your graduation tonight. What do you want to do to celebrate afterwards?” I ask her, trying to get her off the subject of me.

She rolls her eyes at me and I’m beginning to figure out that this is definitely a teenage phase that I don’t like. “Mom! We’re going for pizza afterwards, remember? Me, you and Bull. Where is he anyway?”

I reach out and rub her arm. “He’s not coming.”

She stares back at me like I’ve grown a second nose before finally shaking her head. “He’ll be there, Mom.”

I press my lips together, hating to disappoint her, especially on her big day. But it’s better for her to realize it now, instead of later. “No, he won’t, honey.”

But she just laughs and pats me on the back. “Yes, he will, Mom.”

She twirls around in her new dress, all excited that she got a new outfit and even has makeup on today for the occasion.

“You look beautiful, Emma,” I tell her honestly, all the while being eaten up with guilt. I’m the reason she’s going to be let down tonight. I’m usually smarter than this, but I let my feelings get the best of me and didn’t even consider how this was going to affect Emma.

We no sooner get to the school than Emma heads to the backstage of the auditorium and I go to the seat that my parents are saving for me. I see Charlie across the way and his girlfriend Chloe is sitting with him.

“You should have stayed with him,” my mother whispers to me when she sees me looking at Charlie.

I turn, stunned. “He cheated on me, Mother. With that woman.”

A flicker of irritation shines in her eyes. “So?”

“So? So I’m not staying with someone that cheats on me. That’s crazy that you even think I should. I mean, what would I be teaching my daughter by being with someone like that?” I ask, getting louder with each word.

My thoughts stray to Bull. He wouldn’t cheat on me. I know he wouldn’t. I may have gone a little crazy last night, but I think it was more jealousy and my own insecurities than anything. What was I thinking walking away from him? He’s the best man I know.

My dad pats my mom on her shoulder, and we all turn to the stage. We watch the whole graduation, and I couldn’t be more proud of Emma when she wins multiple academic and even some athletic awards.

Emma looks at me through the crowd and then I notice her beaming toward the back of the auditorium. I turn slightly in my chair and look to the back of the room. There stands Bull with a bouquet of flowers, smiling ear to ear at Emma.

My heart starts to race. He came.

I sit on the edge of my seat through the rest of the ceremony. Afterward, I look for Emma, but when I finally find her she has gone straight to Bull. He hands her flowers and a card.

My mom seems to be racing me to where they stand, and she stops in front of Bull. “What are you doing? You’re too old for her.”

Emma laughs. “Grandma, he’s Mom’s boyfriend. He’s with her.”

I swear my mother’s eyebrows raise to her hairline she’s so stunned. Emma then decides to go in even more detail. “At least she should be. He’s better to us than Dad ever was.”

I’m stunned and am too speechless to say anything. I knew that Emma was having trouble with her father, but I had no idea that she realized how little he had to do with us through the years. I thought I had done a good job filling his emptiness.

Bull doesn’t even look at me. I know I should introduce him to my mother, but I don’t, and after a hug with Emma, he turns to leave.

My parents are looking at me like I’ve been dating a senior in high school. Judging and thinking the words without even trying to understand.

Suddenly, it’s clear. I can finally see that Bull is the

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