The Bull Slayer - By Bruce Macbain Page 0,9

rather sudden, one would have thought. And that young man couldn’t believe his good fortune. He was devoted to her—you only had to see how he gazed at her. But Ione seemed—to Suetonius’ observant eye—perhaps a little less in love with him.

No question, though, that she loved her son. Rufus had been lured away from the goat with more honey cake and now Ione was hugging him and dabbing at his face with a napkin while he squirmed. Meanwhile, the older children had usurped Rufus’ hoop and his hobby horse and were racing up and down the marbled hall with shrieks of laughter.

In the midst of this merriment, a slave appeared to announce a stranger at the door. Pliny ordered him shown in and greeted him with a smile. Which was not returned.

“And you are—?”

“Timotheus, sir. The tutor. Diocles asked me to present myself to you and your, ah, wife.” He pronounced the last words—he gyne sou—as if a wife were some fantastic beast in whose existence he only half believed. In Timotheus’ world wives were rarely seen, still less heard. He was a sour-faced man, fiftyish, with sharp features and watery eyes. He clutched a satchel filled with scrolls, the tools of his trade. A tired man sent to do a distasteful job.

“Yes, yes, of course! Remarkably prompt of our friend, I hadn’t expected you so soon. Do come in. My wife will be delighted to meet you. I’m sure you two will get on—yes, well—’Purnia, come here, my dear…your new tutor.”

She regarded the newcomer doubtfully with her large, dark eyes. “Delighted to meet you, sir,” she said in halting Greek. Timotheus winced at her accent.

“Sit down, Timotheus, have something to eat.” Pliny burbled. “Happy occasion this. After dinner we can discuss your fee, show you to your room. Perhaps you’ll recite something for us this evening? Some light verse? I dabble myself, you know. Here, let me introduce you to everyone—” The tutor looked as if he had just tasted something unpleasant. But Pliny seemed not to notice, he loved playing host.

Soon enough Rufus developed a stomach ache from too many honey cakes and Ione carried him off to bed. Pliny followed them with his eyes until they passed through the door. Timotheus was prevailed on to recite something from a comedy and, though he did it not nearly so well as Zosimus, Pliny was effusive in his praise. Pliny’s dinners never lasted long after sundown. The dining room emptied as families drifted off to their living quarters throughout the palace.


Pliny and Calpurnia lay in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, warm with love-making, the covers a tangle at the foot of the bed. Pliny inhaled her hair; he loved the smell of it.

“I wish you didn’t have to go away so soon,” she said.

“Can’t be helped. So much to do.”

“I could come with you.”

“Out of the question, my dear. We’ll be on the road day after day for a month or more. No place for a woman. Besides, I need you here.”

“Do you, really?”

“You’re the governor’s lady. I’m leaving Suetonius behind to run the office but you will represent us socially. Meet people, entertain them, just like at home. You’re wonderful at that sort of thing. You’ll do us proud, as always.”

And she would, but he never knew what it cost her. She was a matron of twenty-eight, beautiful, clever, accomplished—everyone said so—and yet the frightened fourteen-year-old bride that she had once been still trembled within her. She was a country girl, raised amid the mountains and lakes of northern Italy, who had suddenly found herself married to a man more than twice her age, a Roman senator, a lawyer, the nephew of a famous uncle, a man with important friends, the emperor’s confidante. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her father had died not long afterward, fighting on the Danube frontier. Her grandfather had raised her—how she missed that dear man!

Pliny came from their part of the country; the two families had known each other for ages. His first wife had died and he wanted another. He was a kindly, gentle man, though not quite the husband of her girlish dreams. He seemed to her, in fact, more a father than a husband. The courtship, the wedding, the move to Rome, that vast and dizzying metropolis—all so fast. She had felt as though she were moving in a dream where one scene melted into another without sense or logic. She hadn’t loved him Copyright 2016 - 2024