Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,30

power is out all over. I’m going to check with the electric company.”

“While he’s doing that, I’m going to call Marcie.” Brynna pulled Travis down on the love seat and held his hand. Her mate’s breathing had become erratic, and Uri could sense that her touch soothed him. “Hey, Marcie. Is the power out in town? Okay. Yeah, it is here. B checked the breaker, but that wasn’t the problem. You and Lawrence might want to stay in town until we get this figured out.” They talked a few moments more, then she hung up.

Banyan was also off the phone. “There were no outages reported according to the recording. I left my number on the emergency line. Now all we can do is wait.”

Urijah didn’t like the situation one bit, but he kept his opinion to himself. Well, he didn’t speak it aloud.

I don’t like this, B.

Neither do I, but I don’t want to alert Brynna or Travis in case we’re wrong in our assumptions.

“I’m going to go find some candles,” Banyan said. The Gargoyles didn’t need them, but Travis didn’t have the advantage of shifter eyesight. Urijah went with him, and they lit all the candles they found so Travis would be able to navigate his way through the house and up to his and Brynna’s bedroom.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I find out what’s going on,” Banyan told the others.

Brynna grinned. “I think we can manage the dark for one night.” Travis blushed, and Urijah chuckled. Yeah, he and B could manage in the dark as well.

Chapter Seven

Brynna was worried. Her beast was unhappy, and Travis was doing his best not to let on he was unnerved. He tried to put on a happy face, but considering he’d been on the wrong end of a vengeful Gargoyle several months before, she couldn’t blame him. So, she did the one thing she knew would take his mind off their troubles – she got naked.

“Come on, Mate. Let me see that sexy body of yours.”

Travis laughed, shaking his head, but he got undressed. He didn’t argue with her assessment of his body, so she took that as a win. She didn’t need light to see Travis’s face or to know how turned on he was. He grabbed her around the waist, and his erection nudged her stomach as he picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Travis crawled up Brynna’s body, kissing her inner thighs, bypassing her clit, tongued her belly button, then made a feast of her breasts. She was a panting mess before he ever touched between her legs.

After a round of rough sex, Travis made love to Brynna, and then they cleaned up in the shower by candlelight. Her mate was more giving than any man she’d ever been with, making sure she found her release before he did. Sometimes more than once. By the time he was done with her, she was sated and sleepy. Falling asleep in her mate’s arms was something she’d dreamed of often, but her dreams were nowhere as wonderful as the real thing. She was a Gargoyle, yet her human made her feel safe.

Banyan’s cursing woke Brynna. Sunlight filtered through the thick curtains, and her inner clock told her it was after nine. Having lived so many years, Brynna didn’t need a watch. What she did need in that moment was to pee and go see what had her brother in a tizzy. She kissed Travis on the neck, and he mumbled something that sounded a whole lot like “Love you.” Brynna’s heart skipped a beat.

Kissing him again, she whispered, “Shh, Lover. Go back to sleep.” As much as she wanted to admit her feelings, she would wait until he was ready to hear the words, however long it took. Travis’s lips curled slightly, and then his breathing evened back out. After taking care of business in the bathroom, Brynna pulled on her underwear and a cute dress before going downstairs. Banyan was making tracks across the kitchen while Uri sipped a mug of coffee.

“What’s wrong?”

Banyan stopped pacing and turned to Brynna, dragging both hands through his already messy hair. “The power was cut off because someone got in their system and put in a disconnect order. It’s too early to call Julian and have him look into it.”

“You think it was done on purpose and not a mistake on their end?”

“I’m not taking that chance. With both you and I feeling like we’re being watched—”

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